Building a Successful C/T Research Career:

A Webinar Series on Leadership, Communications, and Mentoring

In the absence of in-person programming for spring 2020, the Harvard Catalyst Postgraduate Education Program offered a free weekly webinar series featuring content from our Leadership Strategies for the Researcher, Effectively Communicating Research, and Maximizing the Mentee-Mentor Relationship courses.

This series ended June 3, 2020, but below you can find recordings of select webinars, presentation slides, and additional resources for you to access.

Powerful Presentations: Tools for Filtering Details and Telling a Story

How to Publish a Scientific Paper

Better Than Bullets: Transforming Slide Design

Honing your Standard Research Talk

Negotiation Skills for the Best of Times and the Worst of Times

Thanks for the Feedback: Skills for Giving & Receiving Feedback Well

Understanding Your Team

Empower Your Career Development Through Mentoring Relationships

Strategies for Navigating Career Transitions: Advice from a Panel of Mid-Career Scientists

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Strategies for Navigating Career Transitions: Advice from a Panel of Mid-Career Scientists

June 3, 2020

Facilitators: Frederick Schoen and Fran Grodstein

Panelists: Frank David, Christine Lian and Kathryn Penney

Career pathways in clinical and translational research aren’t always linear or predictable, especially during times of transition or crisis. Understanding your personal goals and definition of success, and how they may evolve over time, can inform your options and decisions. In this webinar, a panel of three, mid-career professionals described their career pathways and offered perspective on the challenges that they have faced and the key factors and approaches that influenced their decision-making along the way. Looking for more information on this topic? Additional resources can be found below, including a recording of the webinar.

Empower Your Career Development Through Mentoring Relationships

May 27, 2020

Speaker: Fran Grodstein and Frederick Schoen

Emphasizing the perspective of the mentee – from early through later career stages - this webinar empowered participants to reflect on their personal needs and goals and to take action to propel their career forward. Participants were given the opportunity to clarify their personal definition of success, consider potential challenges to career progression, and learn practical strategies and tools for enhancing the value of their mentoring relationships. Additional resources, including a link to the personal development activities highlighted in the session and a recording of the webinar can be found below.

Understanding Your Team

May 20, 2020

Speaker: Mary Shapiro

While research shows that diverse teams produce higher-quality, more innovative output, we often struggle to work with team members whose styles are different than our own. This session provided practical advice and tools for harnessing differences to boost team effectiveness. Attendees also had the opportunity to complete a communication styles diagnostic and receive personalized results. Additional resources, including a link to this communication styles diagnostic, a recording of the webinar, and a copy of the presentation slides can be found below.

Thanks for the Feedback: Skills for Giving & Receiving Feedback Well

May 13, 2020

Speaker: Jonathan Rosenbluth

Feedback is key to learning and growth. Yet, whether on the giving or receiving end, most people—even seasoned leaders—struggle with feedback. This session provided a deeper look at how to give and receive feedback effectively. Although we are unable to share a recording of the session, please find a helpful feedback handout below, which acts as both a resource and guide for those interested in sharpening this skill.

Negotiation Skills for the Best of Times and the Worst of Times

May 6, 2020

Speaker: Melissa Brodrick

Wondering how to best negotiate with the leaders in your division or department? Or how to hold your own with a challenging colleague or collaborator? This session provided an opportunity to look at some best practices when negotiating to get what you need in your work or academic setting. If you missed the session, the recording of the video, as well as a link to the presentation slides and resources are below.

Honing your Standard Research Talk

April 27, 2020

Speaker: Naomi Fisher

Successful clinical and translational researchers not only do great research, they present it. In the resource linked below, you can find a helpful rubric for preparing your standard research talks. We are unable to share a recording of this webinar with those who did not attend.

Better Than Bullets: Transforming Slide Design

April 22, 2020

Speaker: Melissa Marshall

Looking for more information on utilizing effective slide design strategies? Check out the resource linked below. We are unable to share a recording of this webinar with those who did not attend.

How to Publish a Scientific Paper

April 15, 2020

Speaker: Elliott Antman

Publishing your research is vital for disseminating your findings and personal career growth. In this comprehensive webinar session, Dr. Antman outlined the scientific publication process. If you missed the session, the recording of the video, as well as a link to the presentation slides and resources are below.

Powerful Presentations: Tools for Filtering Details and Telling a Story

April 6, 2020

Speaker: Melissa Marshall

Missed this webinar or just want to learn more? Check out the resources linked below, and learn how to structure a presentation and tell a compelling story of your science. We are unable to share a recording of this webinar with those who did not attend.

Searching for a topic not featured? Click here.

We have compiled additional resources for you to access in addition to our webinar series.

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