Workshop rules

Presentation format

  • The seminar will not be recorded because authors may be presenting preliminary work

  • 35 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for discussion, 15 minutes for Q&A

  • Audience members will be muted on entry but can submit questions for the presenter via the Zoom Chat or wait until the end to raise a hand

  • Audience members are asked to register for each Zoom meeting (sign-up for announcements)

  • Let us know -- -- if you have any suggestions for technology or format changes!

Discussion format

The discussant will have 10 minutes for their presentation. In the interest of time, discussions should exclude the standard summary of the paper. Instead, the focus of the presentation should be on 2-4 major comments, critiques, or extension ideas.

Instructions for attendees: Q&A and moderation

As an attendee, please submit the questions using the Zoom chat feature. Time permitting, and depending on the volume of questions, the moderator will either ask your question for you or confirm with you to ask the question yourself and unmute you at a suitable time. If you have a longer question at the end of the talk, please raise your hand to ask it.

In some meetings, the collaborators of the speaker will be online to address your questions in the chat. If you want to send messages to the moderators during the seminar, please use the Zoom chat feature.

We will be sending all the chat questions (including those not asked during the Q&A session) to the presenters after the seminar. Your feedback will be very valuable, so please send questions!