
We're thrilled to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, feedback, or assistance. Your thoughts and questions are important to us, and we're here to help.

Contact Information

Customer Support

Our dedicated customer support team made by me, my self and I is ready to assist you with any issues or concerns. Please don't hesitate to contact us via email, and we'll do our best to provide a prompt and helpful response.

Business Inquiries

For business inquiries, partnerships, or collaboration opportunities, please reach out to my business development team. We're excited to explore potential ventures and innovative ideas together.

Feedback and Suggestions

Your feedback is invaluable to me. If you have suggestions for improving my products or services or if you'd like to share your experiences, please drop us a line. We appreciate your input in making our offerings even better.

Technical Support

Encountering technical issues with our app or website? Our technical support team (me) is on standby to assist you. Describe the problem in detail:
- Send me the description of what is happening
- Device type (ex: iPhone 11)
- Your country
- Movie recording screen with the problem happening

Please note that response times may vary, but I strive to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Thank you for choosing Pex. We look forward to connecting with you!