Curl Download Github Release


I'm currently writing a script in which I need to download the latest version of yt-dlp.exe from Github.Since the script will need to work on multiple machines, I opted to use curl as the downloader.I found this script on some other site which I adapted for the program I need.

To answer your question, you simply need to modify the script to look for __________. Currently, it fetches the GitHub API page of the latest releases and looks for all things that have a browser_download_url (which are the lines with the download links), you need to change that to look for the yt-dlp.exe line.

For anyone looking at the same, ssl - curl hangs after client hello - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange seems also plausible, and setting correct MTU worked for me (running on docker, via wireguard interface)

The Helm project provides two ways to fetch and install Helm. These are theofficial methods to get Helm releases. In addition to that, the Helm communityprovides methods to install Helm through different package managers.Installation through those methods can be found below the official methods.

1_____ Helm automated tests are performed for Linux AMD64 only duringCircleCi builds and releases. Testing of other OSes are the responsibility ofthe community requesting Helm for the OS in question.

"Canary" builds are versions of the Helm software that are built from the latestmain branch. They are not official releases, and may not be stable. However,they offer the opportunity to test the cutting edge features.

Thank you @peterparker . But i am getting the same error. Seems earlier the issue (issue in the thread you pointed) was HTTP 404. but now it is a certificate expiration issue. I am not sure if this is an issue in curl or from the website.

image1138462 69.1 KB

To verify a release:  10________________________________________________________________________________ 11_____________________________________________________________ 12________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Approximately every 6 months the FFmpeg project makes a new major release. Between major releases point releases will appear that add important bug fixes but no new features. Note that these releases are intended for distributors and system integrators. Users that wish to compile from source themselves are strongly encouraged to consider using the development branch (see above), this is the only version on which FFmpeg developers actively work. The release branches only cherry pick selected changes from the development branch, which therefore receives much more and much faster bug fixes such as additional features and security patches.

2.8.22 was released on 2023-10-29. It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 2.8 release branch, which was cut from master on 2015-09-05. Amongst lots of other changes, it includes all changes from ffmpeg-mt, libav master of 2015-08-28, libav 11 as of 2015-08-28.

Placeholder values {owner}, {repo}, and {branch} in the endpointargument will get replaced with values from the repository of the currentdirectory or the repository specified in the GH_REPO environment variable.Note that in some shells, for example PowerShell, you may need to encloseany value that contains {...} in quotes to prevent the shell fromapplying special meaning to curly braces.

These can run in environments where glibc is not available, such as Alpine docker images. These can bedownloaded from GitHub release assets, like the standard launchers. Their file names end with linux-static.

These require glibc and libz, but do not need the C++ standard library. They are meant to be used fromso called "distroless" Docker images. These can bedownloaded from GitHub release assets, like the standard launchers. Their file names end with linux-mostly-static.

These are temporary. These are just like the standard launchers, but built without GraalVM container support(using the -H:-UseContainerSupport option at build time). These are meant to workaround issues withthe GraalVM container support, if ever you run into them. These can bedownloaded from GitHub release assets, like the standard launchers. Their file names end with linux-container.

For one of our company projects, we utilize Strapi open-source headless CMS ( as our backend. Regular releases are published on Strapi's Github repository, and to quickly assess whether these new releases are compatible with our backend customizations, we sought to automate the process of pull request creation. This would allow us to run tests and confirm that everything is functioning as expected, giving us peace of mind when upgrading Strapi to a newer version. Since we use Bitbucket for our project, we leveraged the power of a scheduled pipeline to check for new Strapi releases on the Github repository. If a new release is detected, a pull request is automatically created using the Bitbucket API.

Now, let's create the shell script to automate the comparison of Strapi versions and the creation of a pull request within the Bitbucket pipeline. This script can be found in the following location within our Bitbucket repository: /scripts/ and its content is shown below:

In brief this script sets variables for the GitHub repository and Bitbucket repository, and then 2_____________________________________________________ and the 3_________________________________________________. If the current release is different from the latest release, the script creates a branch with a name in the format of bot/strapi-update-to-X.X.X and 4______________________________________________.

The custom pipeline named create-pr-for-strapi-release runs a shell script called located in the scripts directory. The pipeline uses the atlassian/default-image:4 image.

The pipeline has a single step called '[Strapi release]: Create PR on new release', which clones the repository in 5__________ (important). The step runs on the Bitbucket self-hosted agent, labeled with linux, self.hosted and 62gb.gen8, however, the 6___________________________ and you need to have your own runner and "labels" setup (see Bitbucket runners). If not specified, the pipeline will run on the default Bitbucket hosted agent.

It is also worth mentioning that the image specified in image: atlassian/default-image:4 comes with pre-installed binaries such as jq and curl. See Bitbucket pipelines Docker images reference for more details: -cloud/docs/use-docker-images-as-build-environments/

To test your custom Bitbucket pipeline, you can first push the updated bitbucket-pipelines.yml and script to a new branch. Then, on the Bitbucket repository web interface, navigate to "Pipelines" and click "Run pipeline" in the upper right corner. In the modal that appears, select the branch containing your changes and the custom pipeline you want to run. Finally, press the "Run" button:

In conclusion, automating the process of pull request creation for new Strapi releases on Bitbucket is possible with the use of a scheduled pipeline. The steps involved include generating an access token with the necessary permissions, storing the access token as a repository variable, writing a shell script to compare versions and create a pull request using the Bitbucket API, defining a custom pipeline, testing the pipeline with manual runs, and setting up a schedule for the pipeline. With these steps in place, you can now confidently upgrade to the latest version of Strapi, knowing that your backend customizations are tested and functioning as expected. This process saves time and provides peace of mind, making the upgrade process smoother and more efficient.

In the verbose curl command output, the connection seems to be established on port 443 to the destination site, however, it fails TLS handshake process. If this is on a corporate or enterprise network then check out the gateway firewall which might be blocking the SSL in-bound traffic in such case you try with --insecure (though not recommended) curl command option. Also, check if there is a proxy which is there and it might be set to allow https traffic.

Check for the latest supported release of the Velero CLI for 7___________ in the Velero GitHub repo at -tanzu/velero/releases. Although earlier versions of Velero are supported, Replicated recommends using the latest supported version. For more information about supported versions, see Velero Version Compatibility in About Backup and Restore.

From a computer with internet access, check for the latest supported release of the Velero CLI for 8___________ in the Velero GitHub repo at -tanzu/velero/releases. Although earlier versions of Velero are supported, Replicated recommends using the latest supported version.

SHA-256 checksums are provided for all release and pre-release binaries.They can be found undersig/v1.x/sha256sum.txt.The checksums for jq 1.7 are insig/v1.7/sha256sum.txt.The checksums for jq 1.6 are insig/v1.6/sha256sum.txt.The checksums for jq 1.5 are insig/v1.5/sha256sum.txt.

Additionally, all release artifacts are signed by a jq release key. We have two release keys, one for 1.6 and older releases, and one for 1.7 and newer releases.Signatures can be found undersig/v1.x/*.asc.The signatures for jq 1.7 are insig/v1.7/*.asc.The signatures for jq 1.6 are insig/v1.6/*.asc.The signatures for jq 1.5 are insig/v1.5/*.asc.You can use GnuPG to verify a signature by downloadingthe signature and running gpg --verify signature.asc.

9_____ some users report that there is no more package called git2u. You can also try packages git222 or git224 in that case.Note: git2u is no longer valid. You can check in github for the latest IUS Git version. =org%3Aiusrepo+topic%3Arpm+git&s=updated&type=repositoriesIt worked for me using "sudo yum install git236". 5376163bf9

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