Hi there
Doesn't the momma in your life deserve an opossum momma of their own?
Okay, maybe not a MOMMA 'possum - but a cute tee or coffee cup will do just fine!!
Our Trash Cat Coffee Momma 'Possum merch is ready to ship today!!
We want to see a community where native wildlife is respected, protected and valued as a necessary part of the ecosystem. We encourage public awareness and education of wildlife's important role in the ecological community.
Introducing: Daphne!
Female opossum named after a track star because this girl's a RUNNER!
Daphne was found in San Antonio by a lovely couple that just could not bear to see her suffer.
She had two bite wounds, possibly from a neighbor's cat. She was super skinny and dehydrated.
On of little Daphne's wound is completely closed and the other, although still really large for her tiny body, is infection free!!
She's even gained a full ounce!!!
She's not the most cuddly BUT is definitely a CUTIE!!!
Sending your Valentine some Trash Cat Coffee?
Treating yourself?
We have the Chocolate Hazelnut Limited Edition coffee in coarse, whole bean, standard and espresso grind. (Adora's new favorite)
Not feeling the flavor?
Costa Rica and Bali Blue have been a huge hit over the last few months.
Maybe try something new!
But you better hurry!
Shipping before the big day is going to get tough soon. Valentine's Day is similar to the holiday season!
Get your order in soon to ensure delivery by February 14th!
We have our team ready and waiting!
Even the less than qualified members.