About Us


I'm Asha and I'm 14 years old. I believe that everyone should be able to speak out about what they believe in and because our environment is changing so rapidly, we need to change the way we live our lives now more then ever. Most of our petitions are about sustainability issues in certain industries such as palm oil. I hope you enjoy looking at our website!


I'm Jia and I am 12 years old. I am passionate about the environment, and what it will be like in the future. I love animals and want to be an activist when I'm older and work with endangered animals. I find it heartbreaking that so many animals die each day due to humans and hope to prevent this through campaigning against major companies.

Changing the world . One step at a time

Our Story

In August 2018, we set out to change the world. It all started when we watched a programme about orphaned Orangutans being taught how to survive in the wild. Soon after, we realised that palm oil was in almost everything and that it was one of the main factors of deforestation. At first, we contacted major supermarkets but we realised we needed to target a more specific company. After some research, we were disappointed to discover that Kelloggs was one of the worst companies for sustainable palm oil and decided to start a petition.