What Bird Feeding Seed Varieties Attract Backyard Birds

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What Types of Bird Feeding Seed Attract Backyard Birds?


Bird feeding is more than just a charitable endeavor. It's an investment in constructing a live tableau in one's backyard, displaying nature's avian treasures. The proper bird feeding seed is your ticket to attracting a thriving population of birds.


While the exercise feeds them, it also feeds the birdwatcher's spirit with calm and joy that comes from being in tune with nature. This guide seeks to provide information on various bird seeds and the variety of birds that they attract.


Various Bird Seeds for Backyard Birds


### Black Oil Sunflower Seed 

Sunflower seeds retain a distinctive seed perch among bird feeding seeds. Many bird species, including cardinals, chickadees, and finches, are drawn to their oil-rich composition. When these seeds are available, the backyard bird count dramatically increases.


The thin shell of the black oil sunflower seed makes it easier for birds to crack open, making it a popular choice. The striped sunflower seed, on the other hand, provides a bit of a struggle due to its thicker shell, but it's loved by larger-beaked birds like grosbeaks and jays.


Sunflower hearts and chips are a fuss-free feast for a variety of birds, but they may require frequent replenishing to keep the offering fresh. With this species, sunflower seeds are undoubtedly a key element of the bird food spectrum.

Safflower Seeds


The hard shell of safflower seeds is a minor impediment for birds such as cardinals, grosbeaks, chickadees, and doves. The rough shell can be difficult for other animals, acting as a natural squirrel proof mechanism, offering a tranquil meal experience for your feathery friends.


Birds that eat these seeds not only enjoy the taste, but they also help to keep the backyard tranquil. This distinguishing trait enables safflower seeds to function as both a food source and a tool for managing the environment surrounding bird feeders.


Nyjer Seeds


Nyjer or thistle seeds are tiny, yet they attract finches, indigo buntings, and pine siskins. Because of their small size, specialist finch feeders are frequently used to feed them. Their oily content is highly nutritional, making them a nutritious bird food source that attracts a wide range of small-beaked birds.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology frequently emphasizes the importance of such seeds in sustaining bird populations, particularly during cold winters.


White Proso Millet 


White proso millet is an excellent choice for birds such as quails, doves, and native American sparrows who prefer to eat from the ground or low tray feeders. This small, spherical, cream-colored seed is a nutritious food source for ground-feeding birds.


When spilled on the ground, these seeds continue to attract a variety of birds, strengthening the community of ground feeding birds and assisting in the wild bird feeding endeavor.


Cracked Corn


A variety of birds and other wildlife are drawn to cracked or whole corn. However, very wet or humid conditions may result in aflatoxin contamination, which is toxic to birds.


To eliminate any potential health dangers, it is critical to maintain the feeding area clean and easy to clean. Furthermore, keeping the feed dry during humid weather or throughout the summer months is critical to ensuring that it stays a healthy and nutritious food source for the birds.


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Peanuts Packed with Protein


Peanuts, whether shelled or unshelled, provide an abundance of protein to larger bird species such as jays, crows, and woodpeckers.


Peanuts are a wonderful source of energy and nourishment, especially during the colder months, thanks to their high oil content and dietary fiber content. Aflatoxin contamination, a dangerous fungus that can pose major health hazards to backyard birds, can be avoided by keeping peanuts dry.


When supplied in moderation and under the correct conditions, peanuts can be a highly nutritious bird seed option that attracts and retains birds.




Milo, often called as sorghum, is a favorite of ground-feeding birds, especially in the west. Its hardiness makes it a popular choice for dry climates.


However, its attraction varies, and caution should be exercised because it may attract undesirable birds such as cowbirds and starlings, which can occasionally overwhelm smaller birds and consume a considerable percentage of the available birdseed. Monitoring the types of birds that Milo attracts can help you make an informed decision about whether to keep feeding this seed.


Experimenting with Seed Blends


Creating a personalized blend of different seeds may provide the ideal blend for attracting a vibrant variety of birds to your backyard. A varied seed mix serves as a buffet, catering to the various bird species' palates.


Combining seeds such as black oil seeds, canary seed, and millet red millet with staples such as sunflower seeds and safflower seeds may attract a wider range of bird species.


Experimenting with the proportions can also aid in achieving the optimal balance that appeals to the local bird population, transforming your backyard into a bustling bird refuge.

What Bird Feeding Seed Varieties Attract Backyard Birds -

The Correct Feeder for the Correct Seed


The types of birds you attract might be greatly influenced by the feeder you use. Among the several types that cater to diverse bird species and seed types are tube feeders, hopper feeders, and platform feeders.


A tube bird feeder, for example, is suitable for small birds such as finches and sparrows, whereas platform feeders may attract larger species. Each feeder type has its own set of advantages, and selecting the proper one can help to reduce seed waste and spilled seed, ensuring that most birds get their fair portion of the supplies.


Squirrelproof bird feeders, such as the Droll Yankees Onyx Clever Clean feeders, are specifically designed to prevent squirrels while still giving bird enthusiasts an easy-to-clean alternative.


With the perfect mix of seed and feeders, bird feeding can transform your backyard into a bird paradise, providing endless hours of natural entertainment while maintaining the local bird population.


Cleanliness Is An Important Feeding Protocol


It is critical to keep the feeding area clean by regularly washing the feeders and raking up old seeds to prevent mold growth and pest prevention. Cleanliness ensures a healthy feeding habitat for the birds and decreases the danger of illness transmission.


Using easy to clean feeders, like the Droll Yankees Onyx Clever Clean, can substantially simplify the cleaning process. Additionally, regular disposal of plastic bags used in birdseed storage might help to minimize the growth of mold and pests.


Mold growth and seed rotting are more likely in humid weather. As a result, maintaining a high level of cleanliness is critical. Cleaning up spilled seed from the ground and around the feeders also helps to keep the area clean and less likely to attract squirrels and other animals.


Participating in Bird Watching Groups


Participation in local and online birding communities not only expands one's bird feeding knowledge, but also helps organizations like Project FeederWatch, which aids in bird conservation efforts. These communities provide a gathering place for people to share their experiences, debate bird species seen, the types of birdseed that attract different birds, and different bird feeder designs.


The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, for example, provides a variety of services and programs in which birdwatchers can engage.


When you join such groups, you may help to the wider purpose of bird conservation while simultaneously increasing your backyard bird count. Your observations and data contribute to a better understanding of bird population patterns, which is critical for conservation efforts.


The shared wisdom you can gain in these communities can help you attract a variety of birds such as cardinals, chickadees, finches, sparrows, and even larger species by using different types of seeds such as black oil sunflower seeds, striped sunflower seeds, and millet red millet, among others. It can also help with problems like squirrel proofing your bird feeders, purchasing suet for suet feeders throughout the summer months, and selecting the correct nectar feeder for attracting hummingbirds.

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The Seed Feeding Symphony


The hunt for the ideal bird A backyard teeming with birds is the result of feeding seed, which is an adventure.


Each day delivers a fresh spectacle in your outdoor aviary theater as you investigate different seed varieties and see the variety of birds they attract. It's about building a sanctuary, a safe refuge for birds, in exchange for a soul-soothing visual pleasure.




What can I do to keep squirrels away from my bird feeder?


Birds can feed quietly by using safflower seeds or specialist squirrel-proof bird feeders to keep squirrels at bay.


Which seeds are best for attracting a variety of birds?


Because of their high nutritional content and easy-to-crack shells, black oil sunflower seeds are extremely successful at attracting a wide variety of birds.


Is it necessary to clean bird feeders on a regular basis?


Yes, cleaning bird feeders at least once a week is necessary to prevent the formation of hazardous bacteria and fungus and to ensure that the birds have a good feeding environment.