What is the best dry dog food for german shepherds?

German Shepherds are a large and muscular breed. Loyal, protective, and gentle when trained and treated right. Large breed dogs like German Shepherds require a high amount of protein as well as vitamins and minerals to sustain their nutritional needs.

Foods for German Shepherds are specially formulated for them, although there are many non-specialized dog foods suitable for German Shepherds.

Taste of the Wild High Prairie

Taste of the Wild formulates their recipes that cater to a dog's instinctive diet. This includes a list of uncommonly high-quality proteins that are just as protein-rich as the common proteins used in making dog food recipes. Other proteins like chicken meal are also included in the ingredient list.

The brand also offers high-quality grains such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and other lentils that are rich in antioxidants. This way, your dog gets a complete calorie, carb, and protein diet to boost their immune system.

Vegetables and fruits are also included in making this product. For a dog to grow healthy and strong, this is a must.

Apart from the nutrition Taste of the Wild offers, it's also astoundingly cheap! So what better way to keep your German Shepherds healthy than an insanely cheap yet high-quality dog food?

Taste of the Wild High Prairie

Taste of the Wild formulates their recipes that cater to a dog's instinctive diet. This includes a list of uncommonly high-quality proteins that are just as protein-rich as the common proteins used in making dog food recipes. Other proteins like chicken meal are also included in the ingredient list.

The brand also offers high-quality grains such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and other lentils that are rich in antioxidants. This way, your dog gets a complete calorie, carb, and protein diet to boost their immune system.

Vegetables and fruits are also included in making this product. For a dog to grow healthy and strong, this is a must.

Apart from the nutrition Taste of the Wild offers, it's also astoundingly cheap! So what better way to keep your German Shepherds healthy than an insanely cheap yet high-quality dog food?

Tuffy's Pet Food Nutrisource Large Breed Dog

Just like the other listed dog foods here, this Tuffy's product also made this dog food for large breed dogs like German Shepherds.

This is mainly appropriate for German Shepherds that are extremely active. This is why Tuffy's Pet Food Nutrisouce Large Breed Dog dry dog food offers a high-calorie, moderate amount of protein, and low amounts of fat to support more active dog breeds.

Although it's high in calories, this dog food is free of cheap grains like corn, soy, and wheat. Tuffy's includes only the finest quality of ingredients for your dog's well being as well as healthy skin and coat.

On top of that, Tuffy's also added probiotics to this dog food. This helps large breeds have better absorption of nutrients in their systems, which improves their overall health.

Which Food is Best Recommended for German Shepherd Puppies?

Hill's Science Diet Puppy Chicken Meal & Oat Recipe for Large Breeds

Hill's Science Diet always had been on top of their game. They provide dogs the food that they deserve. And that includes little dogs too!

Your pup will never be bored with this dog food. It is ranked as one of the best puppy food around. Hill's Science Diet provides large breed puppies like a German Shepherd puppy their optimal nutrition accompanied with an easily digested kibble size.

Your pup will grow to have strong and lean muscles as well as a heavily boosted immune system!

Which food is Best Recommended for Adult German Shepherds?

Merrick Classic Healthy Grains Lamb + Brown Rice Dog Recipe

Merrick is considered a premium choice, especially for those who want an all-natural recipe with healthy protein and grain choices.

This Merrick German Shepherd food is made with Lamb and Salmon meals. Merrick is made only with the highest quality protein accompanied by healthy whole grains like brown rice and quinoa. This particular recipe doesn't contain that much protein, but the vitamins and minerals are more than what your dog needs to sustain its body.

Although it contains little protein, Merrick made sure to add in other nutrient-rich ingredients to provide your dogs a mix of anti-inflammatory, cardio-enhancing, and immunity-boosting nutrients.

If you're looking for an all-natural, low protein, yet nutritious and fulfilling dog food, then try your luck with this Merrick Classic recipe.

What food should a German Shepherd NEVER eat?

As responsible dog owners, you should always be conscious of what your German Shepherd dogs eat. There are different human food that is toxic for dogs, but these are just a few of what you should never give to a German Shepherd.

  • Alcohol

  • Avocado

  • Caffeine (such as Coffee and Tea)

  • Cherries

  • Chocolate (including Cocoa)

  • Garlic

  • Grapes (and Raisins)

  • Macadamia Nuts (Australian Nuts)

  • Moldy Food

  • Mushrooms

  • Onions, Shallots, Leeks, and Chives

  • Rhubarb Leaves

  • Salt

  • Star Fruit

  • Green Tomato

Aside from the human foods listed above, make sure that you should never try to feed your German Shepherd any by-product meals, preservatives, fillers, and grains. Most of these ingredients can make your dogs sick or develop food allergies.

Always check the labels to avoid feeding them any expired meat or animal innards. This step is essential, especially in feeding your German Shepherd a raw frozen diet.

Make sure to check on your pet from time to time. If by any chance you notice problems like itchy skin, lack of appetite, or hair loss, immediately check their food for a bad ingredient or any allergens. Consult a veterinarian when you can.

How Much Should I Feed a German Shepherd Puppy?

When feeding a large breed puppy like German Shepherds, always make sure to have the right dog food for them. Check your dog food's feeding guidelines and best follow its instructions to get the best results.

Although, you could start feeding quality kibble to your puppy for about 3 cups a day with even intervals in between meals.

But then again, always make sure to check what kind of dog food you're using so that you could feed your pup according to the calorie density of their food.

How Much Should I Feed an Adult German Shepherd Dog?

Adult German Shepherds generally eat less compared to puppies. Most puppies eat around 3 times daily, while most adults eat about 2 times a day.

In feeding adult German Shepherds, make sure to put about 2.5 to 3.5 cups of high-quality kibble twice a day. This is a good starting point, especially when your puppy is almost an adult.

What is the Meal Frequency for German Shepherd Puppies and Adults?

Meal frequency is also based on a dog's age, just like their feeding amount. Puppies will need to be fed more than adults. For a German Shepherd puppy (9 months and below) they need to be fed:

  • Thrice a day in equal meal intervals

For puppies that are turning into adults (9 to 12 months), make sure that you gradually transition them to having fewer meals during the day. In this case, they need to be fed:

  • Two meals a day, morning and evening

For adult German Shepherds (12 months and above), once they're used to eating twice a day, continue to do so and still at equal meal intervals.

What is the Best Dog Food for German Shepherds with Skin Allergies?

Blue Buffalo Wilderness Chicken Recipe Grain-Free

Most dog owners know that Blue Buffalo has always been one of the best dog food providers. With dog foods made from only the best quality ingredients. A large breed dog like German Shepherds will definitely benefit from this dog food, especially those with skin allergies.

Blue Buffalo ensures high-quality dog foods with rich protein sources to provide your dogs a healthy amount of energy, omega fatty acids, and other nutrients that will contribute to a German Shepherd's growth. Oh, and did we mention that Blue Buffalo's recipes are grain-free? This is an important feature for dogs that have allergies.

Dog food brands like Blue Buffalo provide dog owners satisfaction with their dogs' results. Be one of the many owners that have experienced one of the best dog foods and try this particular recipe of Blue Buffalo.

What better way to keep your dog healthy and allergy-free than to give them a grain-free, high quality, antioxidant, and protein-rich dog food?