

For many years I was teaching Macroeconomics and I have maintained an interest in this area. With my colleague Hans Jørgen Whitta-Jacobsen, I have recently published the Third Edition of our international textbook on Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics - Growth and Business Cycles with Oxford University Press. You can find more information on our textbook here: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/introducing-advanced-macroeconomics-9780198850496?lang=en&cc=gb

Environmental Economics

In recent years I have taught a third-year undergraduate course on The Economics of the Environment and Climate Change and a Master level course on The Advanced Economics of the Environment and Climate Change. In that context I have written a large number of lecture notes. Here are a few examples:

The Science and Economics of Climate Change

International Environmental Problems

Trade and the Environment

Climate Policy under Fundamental Uncertainty

Teachers are welcome to use these notes for teaching purposes as long as due reference is given to the source. Teachers and students who would like to get access to my other lectures notes are welcome to contact me.