im trying to read in a log file in c# thats huge - approx 300mbs of raw text data. ive been testing my program on smaller files approx 1mb which stores all log messages into a string[] array and searching with contains.

however that is too slow and takes up too much memory, i will never be able to process the 300mb log file. i need a way to grep the file, which quickly filters through it finding useful data and printing the line of log information corresponding to the search.

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the big question is scale, i think 300mb will be my max, but need my program to handle it. what functions, data structions, searching can i use that will scale well with speed and efficiency to read a log file that big

I have a 1gbps internet connection. When i run a speed test I'll usually get around 500-600mbps down and 800mbps up. However, other then the speeds i get from, everything else seems to max out at around 300mbps down. I've don't think i've ever downloaded anything from anywhere faster then that.

Thanks for the answer, I was thinking maybe it could be the cable... but its strange that with the other router that I just changed... was running on 300mb on lan.. with the cable that Im using now...

I'm having trouble with my internet speed after flashing OpenWRT on my router. Before i could pull 1000mb/s download speed in various speedtests, now i can only pull 250-300mb/s max 350mb/s. I'm not using QoS.

Im trying to sell digital products that will all be over 300mb in size even when zipped. Is there a workaround so I can sell a link to a google drive or outside source? It only accepts files not links. If I cant find a workaround Im most likely going to have to cancel my squarespace ging forward. Any help would be appreciated!

Is there no plan to increase this file size limit?

Even a music album in high quality surpasses the 300mb limit. An while a smaller file size might have been of benefit 10 years ago. Now days it's just not an issue. The only limitation is squarespace.

Our busines relies solely on selling digital products... It is just so ridiculous, that there is a limit to 300mb. We are in Audio Production and obviously sample packs, plugins & co easily exceed 300mb. In other businesses, be it photography or video, 300mb is even faster exceeded.

After few years full of adventures we were extremely happy we found Squarespace!

We did the site easily, uploaded many of our products etc until.... DUH!!!!

We can't upload many of our products as they are more than 300mb.


Spent a happy month building a website that runs smooth and looks wonderful only to discover that the very same platform is sending us to Shopify... We will go. Sad for the wasted time and for leaving your nice platform just for a silly reason.

I'm a digital artist setting up my shop to sell some of my assets and content. However, I've run into a wall with how small the max file size is for digital products. 300mb is nothing in todays day and age. It is by far the lowest out of any of the major commerce platforms. We pay good money for Squarespace and they claim to be an all in one commerce platform but lack major functionality, this being one of the big ones.

Love my Plugable devices. have around 25 of them for my companies. However I ran into a problem as I just updated my home network to 1 gigabit speeds. Techs left my house getting 985 mb download. However I can not get my SP4 connected to the ud-3900 to get over 300mb. I actually had the same problem when my speed was at 400mb from my ISP. 17dc91bb1f

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