
Please fill out this form re: rats in the garden

Annual clean up: May 26th

Our annual clean up is this Saturday, May 26th from 11 am - 2 pm. Please email if you can't make it.

Weeding Festivity will be the 26th of August from 3pm to 7pm. Please come early so that the potluck can start at 5:30 or so.

Potluck will follow the same protocol as usual:

Bring a favourite dish to share. Entrees, appetizers, side dishes, desserts and beverages are all welcome. If you're torn, make an entree—more main dishes= more dinner for everyone. Vegetarian dishes are encouraged.

Potluck Rules- Bring your own:

1. utensils

2. plates

3. napkins


5. AND garbage bag to take it all away