Quantum communication (QLMN, Paris-Saclay)

Quantum Communication (17h)

In this course, we will explore quantum communications protocols, focusing primarily on quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols. Quantum communication harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to provide secure and efficient ways of transmitting information. We will discuss quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols, which allow two parties to establish a shared secret key while ensuring its security against eavesdropping attacks. The course will cover the practical implementation aspects of QKD systems, including the use of quantum channels (e.g., optical fibers, free-space links), quantum sources (e.g., single-photon sources, entangled photon pairs), and quantum detectors. We will also discuss the challenges and limitations of real-world QKD systems, such as losses, noise, and distance constraints.

Furthermore, we will investigate advanced topics in quantum communication, including quantum repeaters, quantum teleportation, and quantum networks. These concepts pave the way for long-distance quantum communication and the development of a quantum internet.

Plan of the course: