Injury claims

There is no complete list of every personal injury tort case type in one place. But Mullen and Mullen has fought for clients across more case types than nearly any personal injury firm in the country. Here is a list of cases Mullen & Mullen has worked on.

Premises Liability Cases (Slip and Falls)

Slip and fall lawyer

Walmart Injury

Grocery or Retail Store Injury

Motor Vehicle Accident Cases

Traffic collision personal injury lawyer

Commercial vehicle / Semi-trailer truck accident lawyer

Bus Accidents

Rideshare injury lawyer : Uber & Lyft

Pedestrian Hit by Automobile

Boating Accidents

Bicyclist Hit by Automobile

Injuries from Texting or Distracted drivers

Injuries from DUI or DWI Accidents

Dram shop – Restaurant / Bar Liquor liability

Diminished Value

Work-related Injuries

Hurt on the Job accident lawyer

Construction Worker accidents

Electrocution Worker accidents

Offshore, Oilfield Worker accidents

Dog Bites / Animal Attack Cases

Dog bites

Wrongful Death Cases

Wrongful death claim lawyer

Other PI Cases We Handle But Are Not Limited To

Traumatic brain injury

Assault and battery

Medical malpractice

Birth injury

Cerebral Palsy

Product liability

Roundup (herbicide)

Inclined sleeper lawsuits

Peloton treadmill lawsuits

Insurance bad faith

ADT Security Breach

COVID-19 False Claims Act

Legionnaires’ disease