Perscilla Ryder

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Birth of date:

  • She was born on October 13th, 1984.

  • She would be 36 in 2022.

  • She was born in Novosibirsk, Russia and now lives in Karakura, Japan.


  • Her mother was Muslim and so was her father.

  • She followed the Muslim religion till she was seventeen.

  • She is an Atheist but depending on the day she debated between Buddhism also.

ICly Description:

ะŸั€ะธัั†ะธะปะปะฐ | Unable to hear the 6โ€™0 woman before in front of you, instead you heard the noises coming from her phone. This would indicate she was mute, from her stature she was known as one of the teachers of Karakura high. Seeming intimidating at first before you get a whiff of some nicely scented perfumes coming from her. Her entire look seemed to compliment her from blue-purple hair to her light greyish eyes. She also wore a wedding ring, but on her pointer finger. In her hair would a pin, it would look like it was almost burned, when you looked at it.


Russian, Japanese and JSL

Fun fact!

If Perscilla were given a gift such as a hair clip, she would wear it and never take it out! How cute is that!


Early life- (1-18)

Perscilla was born on October 13th, 1984 in Novosibirsk, Russia. She was intrigued by her own imagination, especially as a child, and often wondered the key to what made the world go round. For the first eighteen years of her life, she was homeschooled by her mother. She enjoyed the freedom that came along with learning at home, although being homeschooled did not cause her in any way to plummet academically. Understanding the importance of education from a young age, she always put her studies first but found a different type of love for art. She excelled in every subject that her mother taught her. Pushing Perscilla to her educational limit, as she had never experienced difficulties completing work that was above the grade level for her age. Perscilla eventually found a balance between doing her schoolwork and venturing into her own personal world of art. Often staying up late during the nights, Perscilla would delve into her art, using several different mediums, and expanding her creativity while her mind was youthful and full of imagination. It was clear that above all art mediums, ceramics was her favorite. The concept that there was never just one answer when it came to art, enticed her into the hobby more. However, she struggled as a child expressing herself, due to being homeschooled and only really interacting with family socially. Art made it easier, she could make an art piece that could express her feelings instead of having to use words. A core memory from her childhood was a pot she made, it wasn't perfect in any way. Once it was completed, there were dents and cracks in it, she felt disappointed in the results of her creation. Even though she thought it was a complete disaster, her mother treated it like the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She told her that she could see the stress that she had when making it and to her mother, made it even more special because of how her emotions affected her artwork in a beautiful way.

Her mother introduced her to criminal shows at a young age, which most parents probably would have frowned upon. She wanted to expose Perscilla to the truth of the real world, without beating around the bush. Perscilla found a love for them, watching criminal shows she always found herself taking a liking to the people who were able to manipulate the minds of their suspects. Perscilla often tested her detective skills, observing the people around her, trying to determine what made them tick, and finding the reasoning behind their motives in life. She knew that people emerge from a core event, and their lives are not simply spontaneous. She understood that her upbringing was a gift and that she was a very fortunate person, unlike some people. Curiosity stuck in her mind, and she was willing to tackle any task people threw at her, with her mother supporting her dreams and life goals, nothing would be able to stop a young determined Perscilla.

Getting older (18+)

Once she turned eighteen she went off to study at the Higher School of Economics, in Moscow Russia, also known as HSE University, where she would meet a man, by the name of Ivan Ryder. Overall, he was an interesting and intriguing man, who seemed to always have some new type of challenge for Perscilla to tackle. Perscilla was headstrong, and she would never turn down a challenge of his, always meeting or exceeding the expectation set for her. She and Ivan started dating and once she turned nineteen he had proposed. A year later they got married, and she would soon give birth to two beautiful baby girls. Promising herself to give the same hope and stability that her mother had given to her own children. Although she was still in university when she was getting married and giving birth to her children, she would not allow this to set her back educationally. Now being a mother, and enrolled in college is one of the hardest objectives a woman can face. However, her determination and flexibility would push her through her college years. During her time at the university, she had taken a liking to most of her professors except one. Her main professors always pushed her to do her best and be the best she possibly could be just like her mother had. A certain professor though made learning a struggle, he would never engage his students in what they were learning. He solely gave them the assignments at hand, but never actually taught them properly. He never helped his students, sure he would answer the questions people asked but always in an arrogant way. He would disrespect his students' problems and the work that they did.

Although no personal issues resided between the two of them, Percilla's disliking the man would ignite an interest in her heart. She never wanted a student to have a teacher or professor like that. She wanted other students to be able to rely on their mentors, to not only support them but prove that they could accomplish anything they put their minds to but to nourish their education and provide them opportunities that would take them far in life. Thatโ€™s where the spark for teaching grew. She wanted to be just like her professors that had helped their students and gave students a sense of hope and support like hers had done for her. Once she turned twenty-two she graduated with a bachelors in education and a bachelors in visual arts, along with a major in graphics and ceramics. While taking these classes in person she was also doing online classes to get her masters degree in law and justice.

She always managed to balance her time as she enjoyed her studies. She graduated from HSE University when she turned twenty-two and then, later on, had got her masters in law and justice. After graduating she took a job at a local school, where she would teach multiple grades mainly about ceramics. She loved seeing the looks on their faces when they finally were able to make their art and creations look the way they had imagined. Her students trust and rely on her no matter what like they should any teacher. She stayed at that job for seven years before she decided to move to Japan to be with her daughter, after the death of her husband and an unfortunate event that caused her to become mute. Although she had become mute, this would not set her back in her ability to teach and expand the mind of young students. Her willpower and determination would overcome any minor discrepancies that she harbored through the trauma she faced in recent years. Percilla was ready to grow and move forward, no matter the cost. She wants a fresh start and hopes that Karakura will be the fresh start she needs.

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To be added at a later date
