
5/18/2024: Congrats to Brian and Mireya who walked in their commencement ceremony today. 

4/12/2024: A nice article summarized the "You Belong in Quantum" panel Dr. Perron served  on was published by the Quantum Systems Accelerator

4/10/2024: Mireya presented her work at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) in Long Beach. Great work!

3/4/2024: Mireya's APS March Meeting talk went very well! Congrats on a successful 1st March Meeting talk Mireya!

1/30/2024: Dr. Perron participated in the Quantum Systems Accelerator's - You Belong in Quantum panel "Racial Diversity in Quantum Information Science."

11/10/2023: Mireya won the Stephen Chu award for best undergraduate research at the APS FWS meeting! (2nd year in a row it has gone to our lab). Congrats Mireya!!!

10/07/2023: Mireya's presentation "Reflectometry: A new probe of quantum devices" at the APS Far West Section's annual meeting went great at .

8/11/2023: Mireya did an amazing job presenting her poster "Reflectometry: A new way of understanding quantum systems" at the annual CSUSM Summer Scholars Poster Showcase.

8/11/2023: Dr. Perron participated in the Grand Opening celebration of the Quantum Design Teaching & Materials Discovery Laboratory at CSUSM.

7/13/2023: Dr. Perron gave a talk titled Incorporating QIST into the undergraduate curriculum  at the Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year (BFY4)

6/8/2023: Dr. Perron has joined Quantum Design's Advisory Board for Curricula Development.

6/6/2023: Today was the first day of the CSUSM Summer Scholars program and joining our group is Mireya Gonzales-Rivera. Welcome to the team.

5/19/2023: Ashley officially walked (although she graduated in December). Congrats! on to bigger things as she starts her PhD at UCSD.

5/17/2023: Brian has earned a summer research internship at Sandia National Labs! Congrats Brian!

5/8/2023: At the 2023 CSTEM celebration of acheivement Ashley and Dr. Perron were awarded the CSTEM Outstanding Faculty-Student Collaboration Award in physics.

4/14/2023: Happy World Quantum Day!  Dr. Perron and Dr. Sharif from the CSUSM Mathematics department had an opinion piece on quantum education published in Physics Magazine to honor the occasion. Available here

4/11/2023: The CSUSM communications team published an article highlighting Dr. Perron's quantum education efforts and the recent ASCR-RENEW award. Available here

12/15/2022: Dr. Perron's ASCR RENEW proposal; QIST in the CSU: Expanding Access to Quantum Information Science and Technology has been funded by the DOE.

12/8/2022: APS News published an article highlighting Dr. Perron, Dr. Sharif, and Dr. De Leone's APS Innovation fund work. Quantum undergraduate Education and Scientific Training (QUEST). It can be found here 

11/1/2022: Ashley's won the Stephen Chu Award for best research by an undergraduate student at the APS FWS conference. CONTRATS!

10/9/2022: Ashley's presentation at the APS Far West Section meeting in Hawaii went amazing! Congrats Ashley!

10/4/2022: Dr. Perron's poster at the Silicon Quantum Electronics workshop was well received and incited several interesting discussions. Paper forthcoming!

8/12/2022: Ashley was named a Hologic Scholar. The award comes with funding to continue her work through the Fall semester. CONGRATS Ashley!

8/12/2022: Ashley and Brian did a great job presenting their work at the Summer Scholars Poster Showcase.

5/10/2022: Edgar and Dr. Perron were awarded the Faculty-Student collaboration award at this year's CSUSM CSTEM Celebration of Achievement. Congrats!

5/8/2022: Dr. Perron's presentation at the Supporting Minority Serving Institutions in the Creation of a Diverse, Quantum-Ready Workforce is now available online here and slides are available here

4/8/2022: Dr. Perron presented Options for Novel Quantum Education Programs at the Supporting Minority Serving Institutions in the Creation of a Diverse, Quantum-Ready Workforce workshop hosted by the Colorado School of Mines.

1/7/2022 Dr. Perron gave an invited talk at the AAPT winter meeting. The talk, "Bringing Quantum Information Science to Students at Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions", covered the outcomes of the QUEST workshop from last June. 

12/21/2022:  Dr. Perron's sabbatical reschedule has been approved. He will be on sabbatical for the Fall 2022 semester. CONGRATS!

10/11/2021: As part of the Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) Workshop on Gaps in Postsecondary Quantum Education and Training on 11/12/2021, Dr. Perron is participating in a panel discussion "Access, Gaps, Issues, and Concerns in Quantum Education and Training" 

9/28/2021:  The QUEST workshop summary is available on arXiv here:

8/30/2021:  Edgar has been accepted to Caltech's "FUTURE Ignited" program!

8/13/2021 Edgar did a great job presenting his work simulating strain in gate-defined silicon quantum dots at this years Summer Scholar Poster Showcase. 

4/15/2021:  Unfortunately Dr. Perron's Sabbatical has been delayed. Here's hoping it will actually happen in 2022/23.

2/19/2021:  Robert and Erick's paper "Transport through quantum dots: An introduction via master equation simulations" is finally in print and can be found here.

12/21/2020:  Dr. Perron's Sabbatical application for the 2021/2022 academic year has been approved.

12/7/2020:  Dr. Perron's application to the American Physical Society's Innovation Fund has been selected for funding.

10/1/2020:  Robert, Erick, and Dr. Perron's paper "Transport Through Quantum Dots: An Introduction via Master Equation Simulations" has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Physics.

6/1/2020:  Today Dr. Perron received the official word he  received tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor!

5/1/2020:  Leticia has officially accepted her offer to join the University of North Texas this fall in the Physics PhD program where she will be joining Dr. Arup Neogi's lab. Congrats!

5/1/2020:  Francisco has accepted his offer to join San Diego State University's Electrical Engineering Masters program. Congrats!

4/20/2020:  Our "Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (RSCA)" grant has been selected for funding. 

2/22/2020:  Leticia's presentation at the 2020 Texas National McNair Scholars Research Conference went great. (Check out the photos tab).

1/22/2020:  The manuscript Results and model for single-gate ratchet charge pumping"  Dr. Perron is involved with has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics.

12/11/2019:  Dr. Perron was featured in a "behind the classroom" video by the University.

11/23/2019:  Leticia, Francisco and Steven all did a great job presenting their work at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research. Great Job!

10/2/2019:  Dr. Perron's review article A review of giant correlation-length effects via proximity and weak-links coupling in a critical system: 4He near the superfluid transition was published in its final form 

7/18/2019:  Dr. Perron's review article A review of giant correlation-length effects via proximity and weak-links coupling in a critical system: 4He near the superfluid transition has been accepted for publication in Reports on Progress in Physics.

6/1/2019:  Leticia has begun her REU at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Congrats Leticia!

4/14/2019:  Francisco has been accepted to the Trio McNair Scholars Program. Congrats Francisco!

3/4/2019:  Leticia Presented At the March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Boston MA.

3/1/2019:  Leticia Presented her recent work at the CSUSM Symposium on Student Research, Creative Activities, & Innovation

10/9/2018:  The manuscript describing Erick, Daniel and Dr. Perron's work with collaborators at NIST has been published online at the Journal of Applied Physics

10/1/2018:  Dr. Perron was a finalist for the 2017-2018 Society of Physics Students Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award.

9/17/2018:  The manuscript describing Erick, Daniel and Dr. Perron's work with collaborators at NIST has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics.

9/10/2018:  Our Oxford Triton system has been installed and reached a base temperature of 8 mK! 

5/5/2018:  Erick presented his work at the 32nd Annual CSU Student Research Competition at CSU Sacramento. 

4/30/2018: Dr. Perron received the Advisor of the Year award a the annual Tuckwat Leadership Awards for his work with the CSUSM chapter of the Society of Physics Students

4/16/2018: Alumni Robert Bush has been accepted to the SDSU graduate program. Congrats Robert!

4/13/2018: Erick Ochoa and Dr. Perron have been selected for the Outstanding Faculty-Student Collaboration award to be presented on May 11th at the CSUSM College of Science and Mathematics Celebration of Achievement 

3/9/2018: After presenting at the CSUSM Student Research Symposium Erick has been selected as one of the students to represent CSUSM at the state-wide competition later this spring. Congrats Erick

3/5/2018: Erick presented his work on reducing charge offset drift in silicon SEDs at the APS March Meeting. 

11/30/2017:  A manuscript Dr. Perron is involved with, AC Signal Characterization for Optimization of a CMOS Single-Electron Pump has been accepted for publication in Nanotechnology.

11/14/2017: Daniel Sanchez presented his work "Long term stability of single electron transistors" at the Fall student poster showcase.

10/10/2017: Dr. Perron's paper "Valley blockade in a silicon double quantum dot" has been accepted for publication in Physical Review B!

9/1/2017: The official paperwork has arrived and PerronLab has been awarded its first federal grant. The proposal "A cryogen-free dilution refrigerator at Cal State San Marcos" has been fully funded by the DoD!

8/9/2017: Miguel presented his work with a YBCO film at the CSUSM Summer Scholars poster session. Great Job!

7/14/2017: used a photo of Josefa Gregorio and Professor Perron working in the lab on one of their headline stories. 

5/12/2017:  Professor Perron and Josefa Gregorio received the Simon Kuo/ViaSat Award for Outstanding Faculty-Student Collaboration