Discord Bouncing Videos

What's this?

It's an experiment for bouncing videos. it's a WEBM quirks.

  • Discord seems to forget set width & height measures to prevent bouncing in those inconsistent size WEBM files

  • Size per frame is only possible in WEBM.

  • It turns out, the quirk also basically works on every built-in HTML5 video player (<video> tag).

Ahei, um.. we got an issue trying to implement this here. It's not as authentic. Well you see, every widgets are contained. that's the embed too as well. The video bounces, but uh.. only inside the embed container, not the entire scrollings.

But don't worry, if you haven't already, checkout our same deployment but at Neocities..



Why? Because Neocities is pure HTML, just like good old days of Geocities. The pureness is what we need to emulate funi discord moment, as I've said before, the quirk of WEBM & the built-in video player itself. So go ahead check it out to learn more & even more complete authentic funi!

NOMA - Brain Power fan lyric video by Martin, Ripped by Coloride & bounced with this tool I think, video here

You can copy & paste this following text https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/212735460747902976/1003048670159175680/coloride.webm?size=4096 into Discord Chat & any HTML video tags with format of video/webm, here's how. Please credit Coloride, PanIntegralus (for collecting this) yess.

Random Cat dancing rave video, Ripped by VoidG & bounced with this tool I think, video here

You can copy & paste this following text https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/440120590754643968/1004944707975118858/yeah_Bounce.webm into Discord Chat & any HTML video tags with format of video/webm, here's how. Please credit VoidG / RSFewOfTheMany yess.

Funi random scream shrink, Collected by PanIntegralus & was bounced with this tool I think, repo here

You can copy & paste this following text https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/880342502660530176/1003330211972137070/mixed.webm into Discord Chat & any HTML video tags with format of video/webm, here's how. Please credit PanIntegralus yess. PLS PLS VERY PLS credit PanIntegralus, because he/she is Giga Chad, super based giant Win because he put it here so you don't have to join someone's discord as you already know you only have 100 join limits without nitro.

Welcome to the Hydraulic Press Channel

Today we have Popsicle. ft. Hydraulic Press Channel, Thread started by Lucario_o_o with contributions from many & were bounced with this tool I think, thread here & total Reddit Post here.

You can copy & paste these following text




in that order & arrangement, into Discord Chat & any HTML video tags with format of video/webm, here's how for the video, & here's the image one. Please credit Lucario_o_o & friends yess. PLS PLS VERY PLS credit Lucario_o_o & those people, because they are is Giga Chads, super based giant Win because he started it here so you don't have to join someone's discord as you already know you only have 100 join limits without nitro.