The clinker-built longships used by the Scandinavians were uniquely suited to both deep and shallow waters. They extended the reach of Norse raiders, traders, and settlers along coastlines and along the major river valleys of north-western Europe. Rurik also expanded to the east, and in 859 became ruler either by conquest or invitation by local people of the city of Novgorod (which means "new city") on the Volkhov River. His successors moved further, founding the early East Slavic state of Kievan Rus' with the capital in Kiev. This persisted until 1240, when the Mongols invaded Kievan Rus'.

The following year, the Great Heathen Army, led by brothers Ivar the Boneless, Halfdan and Ubba, and also by another Viking Guthrum, arrived in East Anglia. They proceeded to cross England into Northumbria and captured York, establishing a Viking community in Jorvik, where some settled as farmers and craftsmen. Most of the English kingdoms, being in turmoil, could not stand against the Vikings. In 867, Northumbria became the northern kingdom of the coalescing Danelaw, after its conquest by the Ragnarsson brothers, who installed an Englishman, Ecgberht, as a puppet king. By 870, the "Great Summer Army" arrived in England, led by a Viking leader called Bagsecg and his five earls. Aided by the Great Heathen Army (which had already overrun much of England from its base in Jorvik), Bagsecg's forces, and Halfdan's forces (through an alliance), the combined Viking forces raided much of England until 871, when they planned an invasion of Wessex. On 8 January 871, Bagsecg was killed at the Battle of Ashdown along with his earls. As a result, many of the Vikings returned to northern England, where Jorvic had become the centre of the Viking kingdom, but Alfred of Wessex managed to keep them out of his country. Alfred and his successors continued to drive back the Viking frontier and take York. A new wave of Vikings appeared in England in 947, when Eric Bloodaxe captured York.

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In 1003, the Danish King Sweyn Forkbeard started a series of raids against England to avenge the St. Brice's Day massacre of England's Danish inhabitants, culminating in a full-scale invasion that led to Sweyn being crowned king of England in 1013.[43][44] Sweyn was also king of Denmark and parts of Norway at this time.[45] The throne of England passed to Edmund Ironside of Wessex after Sweyn's death in 1014. Sweyn's son, Cnut the Great, won the throne of England in 1016 through conquest. When Cnut the Great died in 1035 he was a king of Denmark, England, Norway, and parts of Sweden.[46][47] Harold Harefoot became king of England after Cnut's death, and Viking rule of England ceased.[clarification needed]

The Viking presence declined until 1066, when they lost their final battle with the English at Stamford Bridge. The death in the battle of King Harald Hardrada of Norway ended any hope of reviving Cnut's North Sea Empire, and it is because of this, rather than the Norman conquest, that 1066 is often taken as the end of the Viking Age. Nineteen days later, a large army containing and led by senior Normans, themselves mostly male-line descendants of Norsemen, invaded England and defeated the weakened English army at the Battle of Hastings. The army invited others from across Norman gentry and ecclesiastical society to join them. There were several unsuccessful attempts by Scandinavian kings to regain control of England, the last of which took place in 1086.[48]

The land that now comprises most of the Scottish Lowlands had previously been the northernmost part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria, which fell apart with its Viking conquest; these lands were never regained by the Anglo-Saxons, or England. The upheaval and pressure of Viking raiding, occupation, conquest and settlement resulted in alliances among the formerly enemy peoples that comprised what would become present-day Scotland. Over the subsequent 300 years, this Viking upheaval and pressure led to the unification of the previously contending Gaelic, Pictish, British, and English kingdoms, first into the Kingdom of Alba, and finally into the greater Kingdom of Scotland.[61] The Viking Age in Scotland came to an end after another 100 years. The last vestiges of Norse power in the Scottish seas and islands were completely relinquished after another 200 years.

Scandinavian settlements on the Pomeranian coast include Wolin (on the isle of Wolin), Ralswiek (on the isle of Rgen), Altes Lager Menzlin (on the lower Peene river),[104] and Bardy-wielubie near modern Koobrzeg.[105] Menzlin was set up in the mid-8th century.[101] Wolin and Ralswiek began to prosper in the course of the 9th century.[102] A merchants' settlement has also been suggested near Arkona, but no archeological evidence supports this theory.[106] Menzlin and Bardy-wielubie were vacated in the late 9th century,[107] Ralswiek made it into the new millennium, but, by the time written chronicles reported the site in the 12th century, it had lost all its importance.[102] Wolin, thought to be identical with the legendary Vineta and the semilegendary Jomsborg, base of the Jomsvikings, was destroyed by the Danes in the 12th century.

Many Anglo-Danish and Varangian mercenaries fought in Southern Italy, including Harald Hardrada and William de Hauteville who conquered parts of Sicily between 1038 and 1040,[116][117] and Edgar the theling who fought in the Norman conquest of southern Italy.[118] Runestones were raised in Sweden in memory of warriors who died in Langbaraland (Land of the Lombards), the Old Norse name for southern Italy.[119]

Several Anglo-Danish and Norwegian nobles participated in the Norman conquest of southern Italy, like Edgar the theling, who left England in 1086,[118] and Jarl Erling Skakke, who won his nickname ("Skakke", meaning bent head) after a battle against Arabs in Sicily.[120] On the other hand, many Anglo-Danish rebels fleeing William the Conqueror, joined the Byzantines in their struggle against the Robert Guiscard, duke of Apulia, in Southern Italy.[121]

Later, several Anglo-Danish and Norwegian nobles participated in the Norman conquest of southern Italy. Harald Hardrada, who later became king of Norway, seems to have been involved in the Norman conquest of Sicily between 1038 and 1040,[106] under William de Hauteville, who won his nickname Iron Arm by defeating the emir of Syracuse in single combat, and a Lombard contingent, led by Arduin.[108][109] Edgar the theling, who left England in 1086, went there,[110] Jarl Erling Skakke won his nickname after a battle against Arabs in Sicily.[111] On the other hand, many Anglo-Danish rebels fleeing William the Conqueror, joined the Byzantines in their struggle against Robert Guiscard, duke of Apulia, in Southern Italy.[112]

The Viking raids in England were sporadic until the 840s AD, but in the 850s Viking armies began to winter in England, and in the 860s they began to assemble larger armies with the clear intent of conquest.

The man we then see more clearly in the sources as the Viking leader, Hlfdan, was later believed to be varr's brother. He led the Viking army to a conquest of Mercia in 874 AD, organised a parcelling out of land among the Vikings in Northumbria in 876 AD, and in 878 AD moved south and forced most of the population of Wessex to submit.

The extortion came to an end in 1013, when Harald's son, Swein Forkbeard, decided to conquer England. He forced thelred into exile, although the definitive conquest of England was only achieved under his son Cnut (or Canute).

The Vikings are known for being cruel warriors and skilful navigators who for centuries (from the 8th to the 11th) regularly set out from their native Scandinavia to explore and plunder other lands. The key to their successful raids was their ships, the speedy drakkar, technically superior to those of their rivals. In addition, they were able to orient themselves on the sea without a compass by using solar stones that allowed them to know where the sun was on overcast days. Thanks to their technology and their zeal for conquest, they reached the coasts of almost all of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and the northeast of North America and would also colonise Iceland and Greenland.

Head-to-head against computer opponents. In this scenario the human player must gain the skills as outlined in scenario one, but he is pitched against Vikings War Lords (up to five) who play by different rules, their aim is to gain wealth by conquest with no thought of development. They act as barbarians. It is up to human players to use the more constructive approach to outwit the computer player.

Solveig dislike Reginhard and Egil, I don't know if they are both outdated, where I can find the M&B viking conquest companion relationship for current version? Possible to check this in the game file ?

His eldest daughter, thelfld, would lead the fight against the Vikings and lay the foundations for England. After her husband passed away in 911 AD, thelfld took over the governing of the kingdom of Mercia, becoming the Lady of the Mercians. She went on the offensive against the Vikings and over the coming years played a significant role in the conquest of Danelaw.

The Conquest of Kattegat was the invasion and subsequently conquest of Kattegat led by Lagertha in order to take back her home and the throne. It occurs in fourteenth episode of the fourth season, In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning.

10 years after the conquest and the very first victories, it's time for the Vikings to start building! It's time for setting down roots, from colonisation to trade. But in England, some are still resistant, still fighting the presence of men and women of the North... be457b7860

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