I am trying to figure how watch/download a periscope livestream from it's starting point. The app doesn't let go back more than 2 minutes so I tried downloading as someone told me it downloads from beginning but it didn't. It started from the current time.

The way it works is you have to download two different streams. One is the live stream, and the other is the replay stream up until that point. Periscope uses Wowza with HLS streams. To get the playlist URL for the HLS stream you can call the Periscope REST API. The folks at Pmmlabs have done a nice job of publishing an unofficial version of this API here:

Periscope Live Streaming App Download

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To get the live stream, you just need to call GET accessVideoPublic with the broadcast id, and to get the replay portion of a live stream you call the same endpoint with replay_redirect set to false, and latest_replay_playlist set to true. Once you have all the segments from both playlists, merge them all together and you have your broadcast from beginning to end.

Given Facebook's push to become the leader in online video, it was probably only a matter of time till they introduced their own live-streaming functionality. In an official blog post, Facebook has introduced a new live video element for Facebook Mentions, the celebrity-only app that enables public figures to interact with their fans on The Social Network. Yes, that means only those approved for Facebook Mentions (people with verified profiles) can utilize live video on Facebook. The rich and famous get all the perks.

The functionality is all very familiar to those who've used other live-streaming apps, seamlessly integrated into the Mentions interface. Mentions live streams are also embeddable, so you can share your stream to other sites.

Facebook has reportedly been developing its live-streaming functionality since September last year, though it's kept quiet amidst the hype around other streaming providers. The reason? Just as Periscope was working to refine and improve their app before taking on Meerkat, Facebook's team have been busy figuring out the best way to maximize their live-streaming player, with a big focus on improving the commenting features. Commenting may seem like a minor element of the streaming experience, but that, of course, depends on who you're aiming your product at - celebrities, for example, might have certain preferences in this regard that, if catered for, might just increase the chances of them utilizing such a feature.

As a result, Facebook's live-streaming option comes with advanced moderation features that enable broadcasters to keep their live streams "clean": Facebook will only push comments to the broadcaster's screen at a steady pace, so they can respond to each, and celebrities can turn off comments altogether if it's not to their liking. Offensive comments will be hidden and they can also add words to their Page's moderation blacklist to avoid topics they'd rather not discuss.

These are small details in the scheme of things, but Facebook, which has been dealing with large-scale celebrity pages for a long time, obviously knows what options public figures prefer in this regard, and they're likely to see more take up of their streaming functionality as a result.

Over 4 billion videos are now viewed on Facebook every day, and, according to Facebook, thousands of celebrities are highly active on Facebook Mentions. Given that these public figures already have established audiences on the platform, and are already interacting with those audiences via this method, live streaming directly via Mentions is a logical next step.

Obviously, live broadcasts will appear in the News Feeds of subscribers of that celebrity's page, of which many have millions of fans already. But on top of this, Facebook will also send out alerts to users who've recently interacted with that celebrity's page, greatly increasing the reach of that content. This will likely see these videos get massive view counts and attention, sparking those celebrities to do more and maintain that link with their audience.

In essence, no one will be able to compete with Facebook on this front - Facebook's audience reach is way beyond any other network and that fact will likely prove the clincher in the live-streaming battle, at least for celebrity users. But what about for us regular-folk - will we get a chance to stream live content to our Facebook friends?

While live-streaming is only being made available to celebrity users right now, you can pretty safely bet that it'll be rolled out to all users at some stage. But Facebook's taking a more cautious approach to this - likely to avoid an influx of random streams flooding people's News Feeds.

Focusing on celebrities first also ensures those users are given exclusivity, which no doubt makes them feel important (a win in itself) but also means Facebook can put more of a focus onto those live streams, specifically. As celebrity streams are far more likely to attract huge audiences, highlighting them, without overloading the network with an array of live videos from all users, will give Facebook more opportunity to display the benefits of this offering and how it can be beneficial. This will also likely mean higher view counts for those public figures who do utilize this option, and higher view counts will mean more broadcasters, and repeat broadcasters - which will mean more audience attention and more advertising potential for Facebook.

Rolling out to celebrities first makes good sense, but you can expect to see a wider live-streaming rollout on Facebook in the near future, a development that'll no doubt be playing on the minds of both Periscope and Meerkat till it becomes a reality

This article discusses the potential impact of live streaming on the commercial sports industry and analyzes whether commercial sports enterprises have the legal power to stop live streaming of professional and collegiate sporting events. Part I of this article explores the history of live streaming commercial sporting events. Part II analyzes whether courts are likely to hold live streamers directly liable for their actions under federal copyright law. Part III discusses whether courts are likely to hold manufacturers of live streaming applications secondarily liable for copyright infringement. Part IV assesses the legality of live streaming under right of publicity law. Part V then analyzes the legality of live streaming under unfair competition doctrines. Finally, Part VI concludes that current federal and state laws adequately address all meaningful public policy concerns related to the live steaming of commercial sporting events.

Social media live streaming guides and live video experts predict a fruitful future for this particular aspect of social media. Naturally, with the steep rise in the popularity of live videos, social media platforms have all began to cash in on the fad.

While initially being individual creator centric, Periscope live video streaming is also widely utilized by big brands and industries alike. Not only does live broadcast on periscope lets brands share authentic, real-time content with their viewers, but also lets brands know just what their users like to see!

Although social media platforms like Facebook, Google+ and Hangouts give their users an opportunity to live stream their content to audience, Periscope live video streaming lets you do that in a purely authentic way.

Periscope live video streaming is a very user-friendly app, and lets professionals as well as amateurs alike live stream their videos. Its close intimacy with Twitter is just another plus point to this user-favourite live video streaming app.

Using Periscope live streaming can be a great boost for your business as well as is a boon for individual creators. It helps get your brand and your name out there, increases fan following, and gives users/audience an authentic glimpse into their lives as well as the decision making process of brands.

Twitter launched its Periscope live streaming app today gunning for the estimated hundreds of thousand users and others that upstart streaming app Meerkat has attracted during its first month in existence.

Broadcasts from around the world are featured on the home screen of the Periscope app showing off everything from friends dining at a fast food restaurant to a guy lounging in bed with his dog to a live view of the Eiffel Tower.

While Meerkat was the darling of the South by Southwest Interactive Festival, the biggest complaint users have with the app has been that by the time they click a live streaming link in Twitter, it's already dead.

Periscope differentiates itself by offering broadcasters the chance to let viewers replay their stream when it is complete, while Meerkat is more bare bones, taking an ephemeral approach to live video.

The move means users will have to individually re-build their network of friends inside of the app as opposed to getting a populated list of people they follow on Twitter. Meerkat users can still push links from their live streams to Twitter.

The Ultimate Fighting Championship, which has kept a close eye on people it believes are illegally streaming its pay-per-view mixed martial arts matches, has sent more than 650 takedown notices to Periscope, according to data from Chilling Effects.

With her massive presence on Periscope, one would assume she has an equally sizable audience on Twitter. Twitter, after all, acquired Periscope earlier this year to expand into live video, and Periscope users generally announce they are going live on the video platform by tweeting a link to the stream. And yet, Oleander only has slightly more than 6,300 followers on Twitter.

What seems likely is that Periscope and other live streaming platforms will follow in the footsteps of YouTube and Vine, where consistent publishing will lead to a larger following. Early data from Roker Labs certainly suggests so:

Select either Share Live (or Share From Beginning, if in replay mode), or Share From (insert timestamp). In the first option, the video will start to play live (or from the beginning, if in replay mode). In the second option, the broadcast will start to play at the exact part you select. ff782bc1db

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