The Human Body

This unit on the Human Body was designed for an 8th grade integrated science class. It was fully self paced. It was a 6-7 week unit. Below you can find resources for lesson ideas, guided notes, and projects. Each lesson has work embedded in a Hyperdoc. Click the link to the Hyperdoc to access work for each lesson.

*Please note--this unit was based off of an Open Sci Ed Unit on Metabolic Reactions. It was modified to fit in with the scope of the Human Body. It was a favorite of my students last year.

Unit Resources!

L1: Case Study Introduction Hyperdoc
Lesson 1: Case Study Introduction
L2: What's Going on with M'Kenna's Digestive System Hyperdoc
Lesson 2: What's going on with M'Kenna's Digestive System?
L3: How does M'Kenna's Digestive System Compare to a Healthy one's Hyperdoc
Lesson 3: How does M'Kenna's Digestive System Compare?
L4: What happens in our bodies when we exercise Hyperdoc
Lesson 4: What happens in our bodies when we exercise?
L5: Think-Tac-Toe Hyperdoc
Lesson 5: Think Tac Toe
Lesson 6: Homeostasis Hyperdoc
Lesson 6: Homeostasis
L7: End of Unit Summative Hyperdoc
Lesson 7: End of unit summative
Unit 4 Lesson 2: Digestive System Part 1 & 2 Signature Sheet
L2 & L3 Signature Sheets
Resp./Circulatory Signature Sheet
L4 Signature Sheet
U4: The Digestive System Slidedeck
Digestive System Slidedeck
U4L4: The Respiratory System
Respiratory System Slidedeck
U4: The Circulatory System
Circulatory System Slidedeck

Important Notes about this unit!

  • As stated above this unit was based of Open Sci-ed's Metabolic Reactions Unit. Some things were cut and others were added to fit into the scope of my class.

  • Each lesson has some variation of what you will find on the open sci ed site and some concepts from open sci ed were cut from my unit. In lesson 3 my team and I created generic test results based on questions the students created in class. We also specifically added in lessons for the other body systems.

  • This unit also fell into the middle of distance learning (so it started before distance learning and ended during distance learning) so we didn't get to do the things we truly wanted to accommodate distance learning

Questions? Feel free to send an email!