Slides and videos are linked below. Recorded session: (works only for CVPR22 registered users).
Date & Time: 30 June 11.00am CST (18.00 CET)
Our tutorial will cover the following topics (all times in CST):
11.00am-11:50am -- Part I: The Basics of Evaluating Visual Detectors [50'] [Slides] [Video]:
Motivation and Introduction on Visual Detection Tasks
Performance Measures in Visual Detection: Average Precision, Panoptic Quality, Localization Recall Precision (LRP)
Recent Advances: Probabilistic Detection Quality, AP-fixed, AP-pool, Boundary IoU, Optimal Correction Cost
11:50am-12:00noon -- Break
12:00noon-12:50pm -- Part II: An Analysis of Performance Measures & Localisation-Recall-Precision Error [50'] [Slides] [Video]:
An Analysis of Performance Measures: Important features for a performance measure, evaluating AP and PQ in terms of important features
Localisation-Recall-Precision Error: Definition, Analysis, Optimal LRP Error, s-LRP Curves, Theoretical and Empirical Comparison of LRP Error with AP and PQ
12:50pm-01:00pm -- Break
01:00pm-01:50pm -- Part III: Optimization of Performance Measures [50'] [Slides] [Video]:
Identity Update to Optimize Ranking-based Loss Functions
Average Precision Loss for Classification
Average Localisation-Recall-Precision Loss for Object Detection
Rank & Sort Loss for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
01:50pm-02:00pm -- Q/A