How do I transfer save data?

Data can be transferred from one device to another by following the instructions below:

On the device that has the save data you wish to keep:

  1. From the main menu, press the submenu icon
  2. Tap "Settings"
  3. Tap "Save Management"
  4. Tap "Export Save Data" This will copy a code that stores all your progress.
  5. Tap "Send Code" to use your preferred method of getting that code to your new device such as email.

On the new device that you want to bring your progress to:

  1. Find the code that you just sent above and copy it by highlighting the code and selecting "copy"
  2. Within the Perfect Pianist App main menu, press the submenu icon
  3. Tap "Settings"
  4. Tap "Save Management"
  5. Tap "ImportSave Data"
  6. Tap "Paste from clipboard" or past the coppied code into the text box and select "Import"

If you have followed these steps correctly your progress should have transferred. You can verift this by checking your progress in the lessons.

How do I upgrade to the full version?

Once you reach level 5 in any lesson category or try to play a game you will be prompted to buy the full version.

From this promp tap "Okay" and you will be directed to "Full Version Unlocker" on the Google Play Store. Purchasing and installing this app will unlock the full features of Perfect Pianist.

Alternativly, visit https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.RobD.perfectpianistfull2 on the Google Play Store from the device you wish to install it on.

Why can't my device hear my piano?

In Perfect Pianist there are two methods of play. You could either use an on-screen piano, or have the app listen to you play on a real piano.

If you are trying to play with a real piano but the device doesn't seem to respond, try the steps below:

  1. From the main menu, press the submenu icon
  2. Tap "Settings"
  3. Tap "Piano Mode"
  4. Tap "Real Piano" so that a blue box shows around it
    • If you are prompted to allow microphone support, please tap "Allow". This will give permission for the microphone to hear what you play.
  5. Navigate back to the main menu and Tap "Learn a Song"
  6. Tap "Free Play" up the top left of the Learn a Song submenu
  7. Now try playing your piano and see if the notes are reflected on the music staff. If notes don't show, try playing excessivly loud to see if it makes a difference.

If you think your device still isn't listening to what you play you may need to enable the microphone permission in Android settings

  1. Outside of the app in the Android system navigate to Settings > Apps and find the Perfect Pianist App
  2. Tap permissions
  3. Ensure that the microphone permission is selected.

If you are still having trouble after completing the steps above then feel free to contact me and I'll see if I can be of further asistance. My email address can be found on the Google Play store page for Perfect Pianist.

Why does my device hear extra notes?

When using "Real Piano" mode within Perfect Pianist, your devices microphone does it's best to try and hear what notes you're playing. Unfortunately this system doesn't always behave perfectly and can cause problems on some devices.

If you are having trouble, try following the steps below:

  • In the app, navigate to Free Play mode under "Learn a song"
  • Try not playing any keys and see if anything appears on the staff. If notes appear without you playing anything, that indicates your device is picking up background noise. Different devices have different sensitivities to background noise. Try and remove all sources of background noise and use the app in a quiet space.
  • If the above step didn't result in extra notes appearing, try playing 3 notes and see if 3 notes are reflected on the staff on your device. If more than 3 appear the device could be getting confused by the reverberation of the notes. Try playing the notes staccato (quickly tapping the piano key to make a short sound).
  • If neither of these things help then you might benefit from using the app in "On-Screen" piano mode which can be assessed in the settings.