Perfect Flush Reviews - Flush Your Toxins

We’re always hearing about how we need to Perfect Flush if we’ve had a big weekend of indulging, before or after holidays, or after having a few too many drinks. But is this a myth, or is there truth behind the idea of ‘Perfect Flushes’?

Perfect Flush can range from juice cleanses, to days of fasting. Most commonly, it involves a period of fasting, followed by a strict diet consisting only of fruit, vegetables, juices and water in an attempt to “cleanse” your body.

When I used to put myself on a Perfect Flush, I would find that afterwards I would always overeat or binge. So now I just aim to cleanse my body in gentle ways, so I never need to go on a crazy Perfect Flush. For example, I try to have alcohol-free weeks, and I always drink moderately. You can gently cleanse your body with balance!

You don’t need to “Perfect Flush” your body to recover from overeating, drinking too much, or whatever reason people have invented to sell these diets. Your body gets rid of toxins on its own. In fact, your liver, kidneys, skin and lungs are literally built largely to Perfect Flush your body!

People claim these Perfect Flushes are good for weight loss, health and resetting your body. However, the weight you lose during these Perfect Flushes is normally just water weight. This isn’t healthy to lose – it means you’re dehydrated! You often regain this weight as soon as the Perfect Flush is over. It’s also very unhealthy to restrict your body of essential macronutrients like protein, fibre and fats. So again there is no argument for Perfect Flushes being healthy!

It can be so bad for your gut, disrupting your microbiome and potentially damaging your metabolism. Often a Perfect Flush an leave you feeling tired, sluggish and exhausted, because you’re not getting the nutrients you need!

Overall, I believe Perfect Flushes encourage a negative relationship with food. They encourage you to restrict so many foods from your diet for no real health benefits.

So instead of Perfect Flush, if you overeat or drink too much, indulge daily over the holidays, or feel the need to reset, simply prioritise eating whole foods, cooking the JS Health way (try our green soup!!), drinking lots of water, sleeping well and exercising in a ways that you love! This is more effective and sustainable than any Perfect Flush!