Are swimming pool covers an investment that's worth it?

Pool Covers and Their Value

They can be quite expensive, regardless of whether you already have one in your garden or are planning to create one. Cleaning, water filling, and house heating are all extra costs. It comes as no surprise that, on top of everything else, it is simple to believe that a swimming pool cover is yet another pointless expense.

You couldn't be more mistaken.

Swim pool covers not only increase security by keeping kids or pets from falling in, but they also save money on heating and cleaning costs.

How exactly?

In this post, we are precisely learning that. We'll talk about the price of pool covers, whether they're worth the money, and whether or not they actually work.

What is the price of a pool cover?

Swim pool covers come in a variety of designs and sizes. You can choose from a variety of sorts, each with a unique set of functions. As a result, these factors will have a significant impact on pricing.

At Designer Covers, we sell and instal five different types of pool covers and products:

Automatic Vinyl Safety Covers, PoolDeck Slatted Pool Covers

V5M Easy Glide for Pool Lack

Thermal blankets and pet and child safety covers

Naturally, larger and more substantial pool covers will cost significantly more, as will covering pools that are significantly larger. Since every pool is unique, we are unable to provide an exact price, but we can generate a quote based on your requirements.

For more details, go to the Contact United States website.

Do pool coverings make sense?

Yes! One of the most economical measures a pool owner can take to save money is to instal swimming pool covers. Let's first consider the safety benefits, though, before we examine the specifics.

greatly safer pool

Can safety be valued at all? Some people might respond in the affirmative. Even though it may seem unlikely, accidents can and do happen. People travel and also fall in. Unwanted guests, including kids, pets, and other creatures, quickly find their way into the pool. The results could be disastrous.

A swimming pool cover can help with that.

The swimming pool cover protects the pool's surface area, acting as a straight fence. Nothing can fall inconveniently, not even leaves, animals, or your kids. Therefore, there is no risk of sinking, in addition to a number of other benefits.

Our best swimming pool covers, including the PoolDeck slatted pool cover, are built to withstand 150 kg of weight when used manually or 250 kg when used electronically. The pool covers can also be fastened to prevent anyone from gaining entry and are tamper-proof.

It really is the best safety device. So you may play in the garden with your children, knowing there's no risk of them drowning.

Certainly, there are other benefits besides safety. Additionally, swimming pool covers are really cheap.

It should only take a quick peek at the potential advantages to persuade you to get one. For instance, our pool deck's slatted automatic cover reduces water evaporation by as much as 80%, resulting in no longer wasting water.

Additionally, it reduces the intake of chemicals by up to 70%. That is a remarkable benefit, given that chemicals can be one of the major expenses associated with maintaining a swimming pool.

Finally, swimming pool covers, especially Thermal Blankets, trap heat and increase pool temperature by 7 degrees.Their EnergyGuard GeoBubble design keeps the heat in while limiting power consumption and lowering household electricity expenses. However, it also guards against light leaking into the pool. That means there is no photosynthesis, ensuring that no algae can develop or persist.

What is there to dislike?

An estimated 70 percent of a pool's operational expenses can be saved overall by using a cover. When you wish to take a plunge, the water will undoubtedly be warmer.

reduces time

The swimming pool needs to be cleaned thoroughly. There is always one falling limb or leaf that you can't seem to catch. Swimming in a slurry of algae and who knows what else is not a pleasant experience.

By covering the pool, debris such as dirt, leaves, and other things are kept out. Cleaning the swimming pool cover is just as simple as cleaning the pool. Depending on the cover you select, it also prevents rain from pouring in.

That not only saves time, but it also saves money.

Less dust in the pool means less cleaning and gadget maintenance. You won't have to shell out as much money for maintenance costs and filter system wear.

While not offering the same safety features, the least expensive pool cover also has one wonderful benefit. It's certainly worth the financial commitment.

Are floating pool covers effective?

Therefore, swimming pool covers have a wide range of benefits. But do they truly function?

Consider this: pool coverings function perfectly well. They are designed to prevent debris from floating on top of the swimming pool and contaminating the water. Additionally, they serve as a covering at the water's surface, trapping heat and preventing evaporation.

Incredibly, you actually get the best of both worlds: even greater heat and less evaporation.

Usually, the water would evaporate more quickly in your pool if you were warm. Unlike a floating swimming pool cover, though, temperatures might get to or above 30 degrees Celsius. That is quite cozy.

Additionally, since less light will penetrate the pool, you'll use less chlorine. The chlorine that is present in the water is weakened by the UV radiation that strikes it. Less light means fewer chemicals are needed, which saves money and time.


If you own a pool, investing in a swimming pool cover can be the best choice you make this year. Imagine a warmer swimming pool, less ground cover, less dissipation, and reduced costs.

Our company specialises in stylish designer pool covers, so your pool will be safer and more fashionable. Request a quote from us right away.