Self-similar groups and Schreier graphs, Thompson groups and their generalizations, hyperbolic groups, braid groups, recursive generations of graphs and their boundaries, world-problem and formal languages associated to groups.


3.Rational Gluing in Edge Replacement Systems, joint work with M. Tarocchi, preprint (arXiv)

2.Rationality of the Gromov Boundary of Hyperbolic Groups, submitted (arXiv)

1.A Class of Rearrangement Groups that are not Invariably Generated, joint work with M. Tarocchi,  published in Bull. London Math. Soc. (journal - arXiv)

phd thesis

0. Rationality of Boundaries, PhD Thesis, Joint PhD Program Università di Milano-Bicocca and Università di Pavia, 2023 (BOA - Bicocca Database)

Advisors: Jim Belk and Francesco Matucci