PerDL 2021

Authors' Guidelines

Paper submission must be done, as for the main conference, via EDAS. If you do not have an EDAS account, please, register first (it's free) via the following link: register. The direct submission link for PerDL 2021 is this:

Special note: PerCom 2021 and its workshops will follow a double-blind review process. As a result, authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions.

Submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Also, they must show a significant relevance to Deep Learning in or for pervasive computing and communications. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process handled by the Technical Program Committee of the Workshop. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered. The page limit for accepted regular workshop papers is 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. Accepted papers can buy an extra page for the Camera-Ready version.

The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates, as well as formatting instructions, can be found here.

All accepted papers will be published in IEEEXplore and other important databases, together with the papers accepted in the main conference IEEE PerCom 2021.