A cluster consists of nodes, where each node contains the same set of datasynchronized accross nodes. The recommended configuration is to have at least 3nodes, but you can have 2 nodes as well. Each node is a regular MySQL Serverinstance (for example, Percona Server). You can convert an existing MySQLServer instance to a node and run the cluster using this node as a base. Youcan also detach any node from the cluster and use it as a regular MySQL Serverinstance.

Percona XtraDB Cluster -database/percona-xtradb-cluster is based on Percona Server for MySQL running with the XtraDB storage engine.It uses the Galera library, which is an implementation of the write set replication (wsrep) API developed by Codership Oy.The default and recommended data transfer method is via Percona XtraBackup .

Percona Xtradb Cluster 8.0 Download

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I understand that you have 3 node Percona Xtradb cluster with writes on only one node and before this layer, you have deployed HAproxy for load balancing and now you are planning to upgrade your all nodes to 8.0 version and would like to understand which approach is the best to adopt. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I bootstrapped the first node per the instructions, and verified that the values for wsrep_local_state_uuid, wsrep_local_state, wsrep_local_state_comment, wsrep_cluster_size, wsrep_cluster_status, wsrep_connected, wsrep_ready match the instruction example (except the UUID is different of course).

Solved it. Turns out I had two and a half problems: first, I needed to copy the ssl files from the first node onto the second and third nodes, and chown them to the mysql user (that was the half problem). Finally, turns out I copy-pasted the one of the IP addresses incorrectly in the wsrep_cluster_address setting. This was easily verified by attempting to connect to the bootstrap node via mysql -u user -p -h192.168.1.1. Once I got a MySQL error message and not a timeout, I knew I was able to connect correctly.

I have an old Percona Xtradb cluster with 3 nodes by GCP deploy automatically. And we also deploy new Percona Xtradb cluster with 3 nodes by GCP deploy. Then I try to backup data from old cluster to new one. My process is like this

The backup was taken from an older environment running xtradb cluster 5.7 using xtrabackup 2.4. I streamed the backup file to a node in the new cluster and extracted it there. I installed xtrabackup 2.4 on the new node as I had trouble running the prepare phase using 8.0

I just wish that there was a simple guide to follow. I would have thought this is a very common usage scenario ie backup on old 5.7 cluster and restore on new 8.0 cluster but alas I cannot find anything

We are planning to have HA for our standalone Mysql 5.7 server. Our first idea is moving from standalone mysql 5.7 to percona mysql with XtraDB cluster (either 3 data nodes or 2 data and 1 arbitrator), anyone can provide a well written guide describing how to achieve it? I would expect percoan blogs have one but cant seem to find (found some from almost decade ago and do not wanna rely on them)


Using Percona Xtrabackup, take a backup of your existing MySQL. Copy this to new server, node1. Install PXC packages onto this server and configure it according to our docs. Bootstrap start this node. You now have a cluster of 1 using your existing data. Go to node2. Install packages, configure, start node2. Node2 will perform an SST and take a snapshot of node1 for itself. Now you have a cluster of 2 nodes. Repeat for node3.

First I want to mention that problem goes away completely when all traffic is directed to a single node in HAProxy. Has been running without any problems for a week. Of course, that completely defeats the point of running a cluster, but at least it confirms that problem is caused by accessing multiple nodes for r/w at the same time.

tcp_tw_recycle=0 tcp_tw_reuse=10 First we edited the both settings but then we had issues even connecting to the server over ssh. So we disabled the tcp_tw_recycle and everything worked until today(12 Days).

Initially we had 3 node cluster and we added another 2 nodes about two days ago. This morning cluster suddenly stopped replying to queries by throwing

We have run our cluster for days without any problem, but some day we faced this problem: we ran out of connections and the cluster went off.

I did some troubleshooting and I found a lot of connections with the same state when I executed show processlist command: unauthorized user - trying to connect

I have a problems with cluster testing. As documentation says I have installed 3 nodes and connect them. All work. After that I manually crashed all nodes. Then bring up two nodes (assuming that 3rd node is fully dead).

Optimize will lock tables, period, just like every DDL. Currently DDLs (CREATE/DROP/ALTER) are replicated by Galera by default in the TOI mode. TOI effectively halts the entire cluster while the DDL is replicated with statement based replication and executed at the same time on each node.

My take on this is to measure. Use this technique: [url] -the-load-with-the-help-of-pt-query-digest-and-percona-server/[/url] or something similar to determine your slowest queries on the table(s) in question. If you can see any significant performance change after your optimize, then you know for sure.

hi @soprano, PXC/Galera is not a write-scaling solution. In fact there is no writing scaling solution in MySQL other than sharding. Writing 100 tx/sec to 2 nodes is the same thing as writing 200 tx/sec to 1 node. Writing to multiple PXC/Galera nodes is allowed, but only in cases where you and the application can properly handle the situation, such as not using cluster-conflicting DML like LOCK TABLES. Your load balancer should only send write queries to the same node and not attempt to balance writes. The real feature that you want is synchronous replication, so that if node1 goes offline, node2 and node3 have the same exact data as node1. This is not the case when using traditional async replication.

Correct, 5.6 did not have pxc_strict_mode. This was introduced in 5.7 as a way to prevent non-cluster-style DML, like LOCK TABLES, from being executed and thus causing problems in common applications.

Galera requires you to start a node in a cluster as a reference point before the remaining nodes are able to join and form the cluster. This process is known as cluster bootstrap. Bootstrapping is an initial step to introduce a database node as the primary component before others see it as a reference point to sync up data.

There are two ways you can deploy a Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0 using ClusterControl. You may use the ClusterControl UI (web-based GUI) or ClusterControl CLI called s9s. We will show you both ways in this section. ClusterControl must reside on a separate host, away from your database cluster. Therefore, our architecture can be illustrated like this:

MySQL Galera cluster is the common solution for MySQL high availability and bring the highest database high viability rate 99.99.. .

As appose to MySQL replication where the application is working with one master and all replicas are being send to slaves is asynchronously manner any master crash will lead to downtime and data loss until one of the slaves will be promoted to be master .

In addition

In this example, we are going to deploy a production-grade three-node Percona XtraDB Cluster with two ProxySQL servers as load balancers sitting on top of the cluster. The ProxySQL will be configured with two types of hostgroups:

Setup percona xtradb cluster on a cluster of 3 Rocky Linux 8 VMs.

Setup repositories for opennebula CE.

yum install opennebula-server opennebula-sunstone opennebula-rubygems opennebula-gate opennebula-flow

Once Git finishes downloading the source file,s you can start building the database server and the Galera Replication Plugin. You now have the source file for the database server in a percona-xtradb-cluster/ and the Galera source files in galera/.

Percona XtraDB Cluster is a costeffective and robust clustering solution created to support your business-critical data. It gives you the benefits and features of MySQL along with the added enterprise features of Percona Server for MySQL. PXC preserves, secures, and protects your data and revenue streams by providing the highest level of availability for your business-critical applications, no matter where they are deployed.

Eliminate data loss - multi-source synchronous replication gives you the peace of mind that your data has been saved and is available for your business-critical applications.

Improve data durability - Galera replication helps to reduce failover time, enabling increased application availability and

improved user experience.

Ensure data consistency across nodes - optimized configuration settings guarantee data is the same across all nodes in the

cluster. Unsupported actions are denied, so business applications are not impacted.

Increase security of your MySQL environment - enhanced encryption features provide a more secure storage and

communication layer.

As an open source, high availability solution, PXC helps you increase efficiency, eliminate license fees and lower your total cost of investment (TCO), helping you meet budget constraints.

Our integrated tools help you optimize, maintain and monitor your cluster, ensuring you get the most out of your

MySQL environment.

While it is technically possible to perform the cluster upgrade when the system is running and processing events, doing so greatly increases the chances of issues and/or SST occurrence later in the upgrade.

When the upgraded node rejoins the cluster, it is important that it synchronizes with the cluster using IST. If an SST occurs, you may need to upgrade the data directory structure using mysql_upgrade again to make sure it is compatible with the newer version of the binaries. e24fc04721

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