Submission Instructions

Submitted papers must be original contributions that are unpublished and are not currently under consideration for publication by other venues. Paper submissions should be no longer than 6 pages with a font size of 10 using the IEEE conference template. Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files. All submitted papers will be subject to single blind peer reviews by Technical Program Committee members and other experts in the field. All presented papers in the conference will be published in the proceedings of the conference and submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files through the EDAS link Each accepted workshop paper requires a full PerCom registration (no registration is available for workshops only).

Important dates

  • Workshop paper submission deadline : November 11, 2019

  • Notification of paper acceptance : December 20, 2019

  • Submission of camera-ready deadline : January 31, 2020 [FIRM]