
  • Starting from 9:00 AM, participants welcoming
  • 10:00 | Opening
  • 10:15 | Session 1 – Cloud and Storage

- Falcon : a solution to share spare resources of private data-centers, Ivan Meriau, IRT b<>com [slides]

- Software Defined Storage, Ghislain Chevalier, Software defined Storage, Orange [slides]

- Sharing data in Fog/Edge Infrastructure: locally matters !, Adrien Lebre, , INRIA/IMT Atlantique [slides]

- Stockage et cloud privé, public, Etienne Menguy, OVH [slides]

  • 12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch - buffet
  • 13:30 | Session 2 – HPC and Storage

- Presenting the DASH project and Sizing Burst-Buffers for I/O management, Guillaume Aupy, INRIA Bordeaux [slides 1] [slides 2]

- Performance Analysis, IME as a use case, Jean-Yves Vet, DDN Storage [slides]

- Machine learning based method for real time IO pattern detection, Lionel Vincent, ATOS [slides]

  • 15:15-15:45 | Coffee break
  • 15:45 | Session Work in Progress

- iFogStor: an IoT Data Placement Strategy to Minimize Latency in Fog Infrastructures, Mohammed Islam Naas, Orange / UBO [slides]

- Investigating Machine Learning Algorithms for Modeling I/O Interference on SSD for Container-based Virtualization, Jean-Emile Dartois, IRT b<>com/IRISA [slides]

- Periodic I/O scheduling for supercomputers, Valentin Le Fèvre, ENS Lyon [slides]

- Exploiting the Heterogeneous Storage Landscape in a Data Center, Julian M. Kunkel, ESiWACE [slides]

  • 17:00 | Closing remarks