Pentastar Patrol History

The Pentastar Patrol was established on year 21 day 57, When leadership of The alignment absorbed The Echani Dominion. The Alignment wished to increase it military prowess and could not pass up the chance to add the feared Echani warriors to the ranks of the growing Alignment forces. Former field marshal Edward Revanchist a relative newer but up and coming member of the alignment was chosen to take over and lead the fraction of warriors. Edward had gained a reputation with in the alignment after a special rescue mission at Tatoonie, he was promoted to the role of Field Marshal after and began rebuild the depleted Alignment forces.

The Pentastar Patrol has taken a decidedly different approach to army building as most imperial fractions, they have openly recruited non human's to serve in important roles and given freely promote them. This has caused a bit of a rift between the more imperial loyalist fractions and the Patrol but Patrol leadership has maintained it's policy giving it a reputation in the imperial circles. The Patrol also uses former Republic clone war's tech as a way of reducing it's dependency on trade from Empire , adding more tension with other Imperial fractions.