Pension Schlüssel
Right beside the Rhineland cities of Cologne and Düsseldorf, we welcome our guests since 1985 in a family & friendly atmosphere. We offer clean and comfortable non-smoking rooms (2 single rooms, 3 double rooms) at affordable prices. All rooms have hot/cold water provided, there also are a communal shower and two toilet rooms. Smokers have a small balcony available.
If you want to visit Cologne, the station is only 100 meters away. Parking right in front of the house, bicycles and motorbikes can be parked safely in our garage.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Willi & Odilia Schlüssel
Single Room: 32 €
Double Room: 52 €
Double Room as Single Room: 38 €
Kontakt: Willi & Odilia Schlüssel, Lechenicher Str. 7, 50126 Bergheim-Zieverich
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2271 / 41329 (tel. Reservierung möglich)
pensionschluessel (at)