Frequently asked questions

What is Pensacola Community Music School (PCMS)?

PCMS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides free music lessons to students (K-12) in the Pensacola area.

What instruments are taught at PCMS?

Currently we have: Brass, Guitar (acoustic), Percussion, Piano, Strings, and Woodwinds. Voice is offered with dependence upon teacher availability.

Are there any special requirements for each instrument?

Most instruments are open to ALL students, except Voice. Vocal students need to be at least in 6th grade.

Do I need to bring my instrument or other materials with me?

If you are taking classes in Brass, Percussion, Strings, or Woodwinds, you will need to bring your instrument with you to class. Piano students do not need to bring their instruments (there is a beautiful keyboard lab at Global Learning Academy) and vocalists always have their instrument with them. Other materials (such as books, rosin, oil, etc.) will be decided by the teachers.

Who are the teachers?

All of our teachers are pre-screened and experienced in their field of instruction. Some are volunteers from the local area lending a helping hand. Some of our teachers are also students at the University of West Florida pursuing a college degree in Music on scholarship and led by Dr. Hedi Salanki of UWF.

Do you need volunteers or extra teachers?/What can I do to help?

Doesn't every non-profit need a little help? If you would like to volunteer for or help PCMS in any way, please contact Asher Kelly.

What if my question isn't answered here?

You are welcome to email the Executive Director, Asher Kelly, and he is happy to help.