About Us



“PeNPassionates” , a Women Entrepreneur Association, was formed with the motto :“Empower women through Economic Independence”. It is an initiative of two former Civil Services Aspirants Nandhini Priya.N(Advocate) and Poorani .R(IT Professional).

Entrepreneurship is host of challenges!

Being in the Herbal Cosmetics Industry, that too as first generation entrepreneurs, we face many hardships and struggles. And in today’s business environment, unforseen and unexpected challenges always awaits you.There seems no one point access to all such business queries.Be it your Branding Consultancy, Marketing Consultancy or any other Business consultanies. They are either misleading or mostly cost intensive.Lack of finances, Lack of family support, Dealing with the Unknown and more, adds to the list of challenges any new entrepreneur faces.

In nut shell, despite these host of challenges , it is our passion which keeps us driving towards the goal.

Eventually,Experiences are our only Learning Guides to Entrepreneurship.

It is this factor which greatly motivated us towards forming this network of dynamic and passionate women entrepreneurs who are along the same line.

MISSION: Bringing together dynamic and passionate women entrepreneurs of micro businesses and support them through all means to expand their business and achieve their vision.


NANDHINI PRIYA.N, President,PeN Passionates


"Women are the real architects of our society"

NandhiniPriya.N, 35 Years is the Executive Chairman, CEO and Founder of Aeka Herbal Cosmetics. She holds a graduate Degree in Law from Madurai Law College. Prior to this company, she has more than 10 years’

experience in civil services exam preparation. She is running a free IAS study centre in Anna nagar, Chennai.

She is also the President of Vibrant Democrats NGO(Motive-Educating Youth about of political system and importance voting) and Chief Operational officer of a

food delivery startup. She has been involved in various business activities for the past 3 years.In 2016 she founded the company Aeka Herbal Cosmetics and it was incorporated in 2017.

POORANI. R, Vice President, PeN Passionates

"In every Woman, there is a Queen! Realize your inner strength and you are just Unstoppable!"

Poorani R, 24 years is the Director and Chief Technical Officer of Aeka Herbal Cosmetics;A gold medallist in Computer Science Engineering, Anna University. Prior to Aeka, She was a UPSC Aspirant, was into 2 years of Civil Services Preparation. She was a Software Engineer.She was also actively involved in NGO activities and has been part of YOUTHINK and MAD(Make a Difference). She is an Executive member of strategic planning committee of Aeka Herbal cosmetics and Head of the Non-conventional Marketing.

DIVYA .J , Secretary , PeN Passionates

Divya J, 23 years is a Computer Science Engineering Graduate. She is a certified Ethical Hacker. She has also been actively involved in various NGO Activities and is part of Makkal Paathai, Ara Vithaygal, Ex-NORA.

She is also venturing into a Food StartUp.