ペニンスラハイスクール日本人会について / About The Peninsula High School Japanese Parents Network


Japanese Parents Network (JPN) is a group at Palos Verdes Peninsula High School(PVPHS) that helps provide school information for Japanese parents and students to help them navigate high school life at Peninsula High School. It also provides a place where Japanese people can connect with each other. 


• 大学進学情報を先輩方から聞く事ができます (日本/米国の両事例) / Can obtain information about colleges from seniors 

• 高校での授業、クラス内容、行事等の情報を得る事ができます。/ Can obtain information about classes and events

進級時のレジストレーション説明会(8月中旬に行います!ご希望の方はjpapenhigh@gmail.com までご連絡ください

/ Briefing about the registration process at the time of the new school year( Will be held in mid-August! If you are interested, please contact us at jpapenhigh@gmail.com) 

• シニアパケットの日本語説明会へのご案内 / Invitation to the Japanese Senior Packet Briefing

• 会員同士の交流、情報交換、親睦会 / Exchange of information among members

• ボランティア活動を通じて学校生活やキャンパスへの直接参加。 / Participation in school and campus life through volunteer work

学年ごとのグループチャットに入って横のつながりを作る。 / Can join group chats with people in your grade and make connections

上の先輩保護者の方とも知り合い色々知りたいことを聞ける。/ Get the chance to ask questions at lunch meetings with parents of older 

ここでは、更に高校生活に関わる疑問にお答えします!用語集の他、項目ごとにわかりやすいFAQを作っています。/ Can gain access to the members-only homepage. Here, members can gain answers to questions they may have about school life. There will be FAQs based on the topic


日本人会の年間運営費 ( 用紙、インク、交流会の refreshment 、PTSA主催のランチ会への寄付等 ) 1家族$30.00 をお願いしております。チェックまたはvenmoでお支払い下さい。 

(チェックの宛先: Megumi Fukunaga/ venmo: @Yoko-Ochiai-1)

 JPN Membership fee is $30.00. Please make check payable to Megumi Fukunaga or pay by venmo(@Yoko-Ochiai-1)

*** チェックでお支払いの場合は、チェックをレジストレーションデーの時に他の提出書類と共にお子さんにお渡し下さい。If you are paying the membership fee by check, please bring your check on Registration day.

*** レジストレーションデー以降お申込みの方で、チェックで支払いをご希望の方は、入会フォームのコメント欄にその旨ご記入下さい。折り返し受取方法をお知らせいたします。 If you are paying the membership fee by check after the Registration day, please let us know in the comment section at the bottom of the form.


 If you have any questions, feel free to contact jpapenhigh@gmail.com

ペニンスラ高校について / About Peninsula High School 



 Palos Verdes Peninsula High School (PVPHS), is located in the Palos Verdes Peninsula in southwest Los Angeles County, California. Students enjoy a natural setting where they study, participate in clubs, and enjoy their school life. It is a 4-year public high school that follows a traditional semester schedule, with seven 53-minute periods in the school day. Freshmen and Sophomores are required to take 6 classes, Juniors 5 classes, and Seniors 4 classes each semester. 

Even if a student is enrolling/transferring from Japan, the ELD program (English Language Development Program for non-native English speakers) allows students to spend and make the best of their high school life, all while learning English. Although it is not easy, it is also possible to graduate in three years, so that the students are able to apply and attend colleges in Japan instead of going to a college in America.

アメリカ(ペンハイ)の高校生活 / School life in America (PVPHS)





 さらに担任の先生がいないので、授業全般については、カウンセラーという学業専門の担当者に、授業のとり方を相談したり、アドバイスを受けます。大学進学についてはCollege Career Centerという部署があるのでそこから色々情報を得ます。日本で言うスクールカウンセラーは、また別にいます。


For those of you who have experienced elementary and middle school in the U.S, you may be aware that there are several differences between high schools here and high schools in Japan. 

First, the biggest difference is that there is no homeroom system. In America, instead of the teacher moving to your classroom according to your schedule, each student has to move to a different classroom to the teacher for the subject that they take per period. It may be easier to understand if you imagine the campus life of a college student. Instead of homeroom teachers, students have counselors to consult them about multiple things. They are there for you to ask about what classes to take, and resolve any conflicts with your schedule that you may have. These counselors are different from the school counselors that are Japanese schools.  For college admission, there is a department called the College Career Center (CCC), from which students can obtain various information about colleges.  

Because you do not stay in one class for the whole day, your classmates change every class, and you usually keep your luggage in a locker and only take what you need to each class. Each student has their own way of choosing their classes and the level of the classes, so it is not uncommon for a 9th grader to find themself in the same class as a 10th or 11th grader. Unless you are taking semester classes, your schedule will barely change throughout the year. 

Some clubs that require lots of participation, are recognized as official classes that students may receive credit for. An example of this is sports. All students are required to take 2 years of physical education (PE), but those in school athletic clubs such as soccer and tennis, can have those clubs be recognized as an athletic activity, and they will not have to take a PE class. Many clubs outside of sports are also recognized as electives and receive credit. 

ペンハイ基本用語集 <PVPHS Glossary>


Once you become a member, you will be able to obtain more information from senior members. There will be an even more detailed Q&A section on the members-only page, so please take a look at it to find what you need to know there. If there is something that you still do not understand, please don't hesitate to ask the group chat or while volunteering at the school library!

パロスバーデス地区の学校に転入を考えている方/ For those considering joining PVPUSD 


If you are considering transferring to a school in PVPUSD, please follow the procedures here

日本人会としてのボランティア活動 / Volunteer Opportunities in JPN


日本人会/Japanese Parents Network(JPN)として、PTSAのイベント、図書館、日本語クラスやJapanese National Honor Society(日本語優等生協会)などの活動を支えるためボランティア活動も行っています。それによって、ペンハイの生徒に日本文化に慣れ親しんでもらうのと同時に親としてアメリカの学校生活を垣間見ることもできます。 

◆Volunteering as JPN / Contributing to our school

As the Japanese Parents Network (JPN), we volunteer to support PTSA events, the library, Japanese language classes, and the Japanese National Honors Society. This allows Peninsula High students to become familiar with Japanese culture while also providing parents with a glimpse into American school life. JPN provides support to some PTSA events such as the International Luncheon, as well as helping with library duties, JPN is involved with sharing the Japanese culture and volunteers are always welcome!!  

図書館ボランティア / Volunteering at the school library


Twice a month, the Japanese Parents Network volunteers at the school library organizing books and putting covers on them. We also help distribute textbooks before the start of the school year and collect text books at the end of the school year. 

教職員感謝日 / Teacher & Staffs Appreciation Day

年度末に、「先生とスタッフへの感謝週/ Teacher & Staff Appreciation week」という1週間が5月頃あり、その週の間に、日本人会として、先生やスタッフの方々に、日本らしい食事やお菓子や飲み物を提供し、感謝の気持ちを表しています。 

At the end of the school year around May, there is a week called "Teacher & Staff Appreciation week". During this week, the Japanese Parent Network prepares Japanese-style meals, snacks, and drinks for teachers and staff to express their gratitude. 

 おにぎりアクション /Onigiri Action


In conjunction with an event called Onigiri Action, we helped rice ball making in Japanese classes. 

ホームカミング / Home Coming

いわゆる学園祭。もともとは、卒業生に「この機会に母校を訪れてくださいね」という行事なので Homecoming と呼ばれている。日本人会は、Japanese National Honor Society(JNHS)のサポートで、毎年スパムおにぎり作りの協力をしています。 

Home Coming is like the school festivals in Japan. It was originally called Homecoming because it is an event that tells graduates to come to visit their home school for the occasion. The JPN helps support the Japanese National Honors Society (JNHS), and makes spam musubis for the event every year. 

パロスヴェルデス, パロスバーデス, パロスバーデスペニンスラハイスクール,  パロスバーデスペニンシュラハイスクール,ペンハイ,  Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, Japanese, 日本人,日系, 日本人社会, 日本人会, 高校情報, 駐在員, 駐在, 転入, 日本人情報, ロサンゼルス, 英語補習クラス, 日本語, 海外赴任, 子どもの学校, 現地校, トーランス, ロス、LA