
I am interested in understanding the evolutionary and ecological processes of the chemical communication between plants and insects by integrating concepts from biology, chemistry and information theory.


2022-11-15: Welcome Dr. Yan Yang to join the group for a postdoc supported by China Scholarship Council!

2022-06-18: Welcome Dominic Stalder to join the group for a master semester project!

2022-03-21: Open positions for master thesis projects, bachelor thesis projects and field assistants (pdf).

2022-03-09: It has been an exciting and inspiring experience to attend the 3-day workshop at Leipzig: Evolution of chemodiversity, organized by Prof. Meike Wittmann and Prof. Nicole van Dam. Thanks for the invitation!

2021-12-01: Welcome Roberto H. Rebollo to join the project and being the first PhD student in my group! Warm welcome!

2021-02-08: PRIMA project is co-funded under RESPONSE scheme from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie.

2021-01-19: Open PhD position available: see ETH website (link) or pdf file.

2020-12-03: Horizons (The Swiss Research Magazine) interviewed me and highlighted my research. Check it out: Whispering trees, by Yvonne Vahlensieck.

2020-12-01: I am starting my SNSF SPARK project "Predicting the formation of plant-herbivore interactions using information processing traits" at EAWAG.

2020-08-21: I am selected as an SNSF PRIMA grantee to start my group at Biocommunication group at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland. Starting date: 2020-09-01. The opportunity for a PhD position on this project will be posted soon.

2020-08-20: I am awarded an SNSF SPARK grant hosted by Dr. Carlos Melian at Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland.

2020-06-19: Our recent publication on Science where we showed that information arms race explains plant-herbivore chemical communication in ecological communities.