

Many students experience schoolwork induced anxiety which harms their academic performance. Furthermore, students who suffer from clinical anxiety often forget when to utilize their therapeutic techniques. Our project gives encouragement to those students who need motivation during schoolwork and reminds students to use previously learned calming techniques.

“Pen”couragement is a pen equipped with a pulse sensor that detects the stress level of the students. As the heart rate rises, a motivating message appears on an OLED screen on the side of the pen. This encourages students to calmly focus on completing their schoolwork and increases their academic performance, while helping them develop the crucial skill of stress management.

Who is this product for?

This product is for students who have trouble implementing calming techniques during stressful school work.

What is the problem?

Many students feel stressed when doing schoolwork. This stress reduces academic performance and often remains throughout life.

How does the pen work?

It is equipped with a pulse sensor that detects the stress level of the students. As the heart rate rises, a motivating message appears on an OLED screen on the side of the pen.


The only known competitors are pens that have a revolving message when clicked, and stress balls.