In English

Competition Program:

The judges are Jari Suomalainen and Markku Kaukinen.

Preliminary: Jari Suomalainen all class 3 courses and Rex-Final, Markku Kaukinen all class 1 and 2 courses.

The competition venue is located at the Pello sports center, where the base is a natural lawn.


28.7.2018 Two courses for each class; agility and jumping. Class 1-2-3

29.7.2018 Two courses for each class; agility and jumping. Class 3-2-Rex-final-1

29.7.2018 at 13:30 Rex Final, informal Barents Open Masters.

(preliminary timetable)



If you register for the competition outside Finland use following codes:

IBAN: FI42 5643 0940 013297


(Reference number: 1287)

13 € /course

Take the voucher with you to the competition. In this case the Payment ID (=Arkistointitunnus) is always 000000000.

Questions: Saara Rautio +358 40 48 68 778, email:


Height categories

XS Pikkumini (Extra small)

S Mini (Small)

M Medi (Medium)

SL Pikkumaksi (Small Large)

L Maksi (Large)



3 dogs from each mini, midi and maxi class in the 3rd class (4 courses = 12 dogs).

1 dog from each extra small and small large class in the 3rd class (4 courses = 4 dogs).

1 dog from each size classes in the 2nd class.

The finals have three classes: mini, midi and maxi.

In the finals extra small dogs compete in the mini class and small large in the maxi class!

In the finals there are 24 dogs in the mini and maxi class and 16 dogs in the midi class.

Three best of the finals goes to the super finals, where they compete for informal Barents Open Masters and money prizes.

Prizes in the finals:

1st place 300 €

2nd place 200 €

3rd place 100 €