Here is a (LONG) summary I once found on this newsgroup. It seems to me that it

answers your questions.

Ciao !


Luciano Lavagno +39-11-564-4038 (or 4045; fax 4099)

Dip. di Elettronica, Politecnico, C. Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, ITALYFrom!caen!uunet!Cadence.COM!alastair Sun Feb 21 14:47:06 CST 1993

Article: 13677 of comp.sys.handhelds

Newsgroups: comp.sys.handhelds


From: alas...@Cadence.COM (Alastair Young)

Subject: Re: PIM, Async hook for Casio BOSS


Keywords: Casio, BOSS

Organization: Cadence Design Systems, Inc.


Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 22:26:24 GMT

Lines: 48In article

(Keith Morgan) writes:

>I recently purchased a Casio B.O.S.S 8700. It's been invaluable, but

>I can tell that it would be a lot easier to use if I could connect

>it to my PC or Unix workstation & down/upload schedules, phone lists,

>etc. Two questions: First, is there a cheapler solution for async

>hookup than the $100.00 RS232 cable from Casio? Second, does anyone

>have recommendations for either PC or Unix (DG/UX, actually) PIMs

>for use with the Casio?

>I recently asked a similar question and was pointed in the right direction.

There is a Unix X-Windows solution in the comp.sources.x archive called "boss".There is also a Macintosh solution called "casio-talk" which I found in supply a window application which will talk to the BOSS (also known as

the SF-xxxx series). Both also supply circuit diagrams for building your own

interface. "boss" can convert your Casio data to calentool or calendar form

for use on your unix box.I have loaded both software packages and they look pretty good. I phoned the

manufacturer of the TTL-RS232 chip used in the Unix solution to find out how

much they cost and they pre-empted me and are sending me a free sample :-)The circuit diagram supplied with "boss" requires an external power supply,

the casio-talk one does not. They use different chips (MAX233 ans MAX232)

respectively. Hopefully I can get the MAX233 to work power free.casio-talk is $25 shareware.Al


Alastair Young _ Ariel NH

Cadence Design Systems, Information Services )/___ _ Red Hunter

555 River Oaks Parkway, 4B1 __/(___)_*##/c 

San Jose CA 95134 / /\\|| \ / \ If in doubt (408)428-5278 \__/ ----'\__/ Paint it RED



From!!!well!moon!pixar!news Tue Jun 29

22:32:57 CDT 1993

Article: 7752 of comp.sys.palmtops

Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops


From: (Bruce Perens)

Subject: Casio 256k BOSS SF-20, $180


Sender: (Usenet Newsmaster)


Organization: Pixar -- Point Richmond, California

Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 17:58:33 GMT

Lines: 16I have a 256k Casio BOSS SF-20 that I don't need, and will be willing to

unload it with box and manuals for $180, shipping included.This unit lists for $300, and includes the usual organizer features,

Lucid-3D spreadsheet, and a warranty card that hasn't been filled out. The

only bad thing about it is that there is no programming language available

for this system, and I'm upgrading to a unit that will allow me to write my

own applications.There is a freeware upload/download program for this organizer that runs

under Open Look on Sun systems and is avaliable in source form. The 

communications protocol details and cable schematic are available, as well.ThanksBruce Perens

From!!uunet!!labtam!cnw01!iann Mon Jul 5

12:03:12 CDT 1993

Article: 7851 of comp.sys.palmtops

Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops


From: (Ian Nicholls)

Subject: Casio sfdtool file data formats?


Sender: (Ian Nicholls)

Nntp-Posting-Host: cnw08

Organization: Coles Supermarkets

Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1993 06:22:13 GMT

Lines: 18I bought the PC comms software for the Casio SF-5300, and, while I'm

aghast at the user interface, I'm also in the dark about the formats it

saves its data in. It seems incredible that the appointment scheduler,

the most important part of my palmtop (IMHO), cannot read and write

external files.While this project percolates up my to-do list, has anyone else worked

out the data structures used, especially for the scheduler?


"In some parts of the city, curiosity didn't just kill the cat, it threw

 it into the river with lead weights tied to its feet" - Terry PratchettIan Nicholls Phone : +61 3 829 6088 Fax: +61 3 829 6886


"... and her terrifying brush with credibility" -- Fast Forward

Ian Nicholls Phone : +61 3 829 6088 Fax: +61 3 829 6886 \_o_/

Coles/Myer Ltd. E-mail: \\|

L1 M11, PO Box 480, Glen Iris 3146, Australia \\

From!wupost!uunet!!labtam!cnw01!iann Thu Jul 8 23:37:08

CDT 1993

Article: 7934 of comp.sys.palmtops

Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops


From: (Ian Nicholls)

Subject: File formats for Casio PC-Tool program


Summary: Transmission protocol and file formats for Casio B.O.S.S's

Sender: (Ian Nicholls)

Nntp-Posting-Host: cnw06

Organization: Coles Supermarkets

Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 00:21:06 GMT

Lines: 674Following my request for this information, an anonymous reader sent me

this and asked that it be posted. It doesn't have any ownership

details, but doesn't seem to contain anything which can't be determined

by the public, so here goes, and thanks again for this.> This may of be some use for decoding the data from your

> "digital diary". May or may not be the same format as my SF7500.

> Please redistribute on news for me, for the good of all, but EXCLUDE my

> name/address/email address etc.CASIO DIGITAL DIARY COMM FORMAT

_______________________________The CASIO SF-series pocket Digital Diary, also known as the B.O.S.S.

(Business Online Scheduling System) in North America can communicate

with a personal computer, allowing it to back-up and restore data

easily, and allowing the PC to be used to maintain the Diary data base.This document describes the CASIO interface unit and communications

protocol. The communications format used by the Digital Diary is

described in sufficient detail to write a custom communications program

for it on any computer. This information has been derived from and

tested on the SF-7500 and SF-9700 models. It therefore should also

apply to all the related models, i.e. the 7000, 8000, and 9000 series.1. CASIO RS232 INTERFACE

------------------------The CASIO SF-series Digital Diary has a built-in serial interface and

communications program. It can communicate directly with another

SF-series unit, but for standard RS232 It requires an external adaptor

consisting of a level converter and an interface cable.The CASIO FA-100 or FA-150 package is designed to connect the Digital

Diary to an IBM PC. The package consists of: - An interface box with a 25-pin RS232 jack and a CASIO

 SB-60 (3-pin) jack - The SFD interface program on IBM-PC floppy disk (5.25" and

 3.5" formats) - Manual (skimpy on technical details)No provision is made for computers other than IBM PC in the instructions

and the SFD program is PC-specific, but the interface is standard RS232

which should work on any computer serial port.The box contains a battery-powered voltage level converter, which

converts between the 3-volt serial I/O of the Digital Diary and the

required 5-7.5 volt RS232 level.CASIO makes a heck of a profit on this relatively simple unit, so it's

not suprising that someone else has duplicated it at lower cost:

Travelling Software sells their own FA-120 B.O.S.S. interface consisting

of an RS232-Casio cable with the level converter built in, and TS's own

interface program BOSS, designed to work with Sidekick on the PC.The I/O jack of the Digital Diary is a standard serial port operating at

low TTL voltage. The 3 pins are Ground (the tip), Send (middle), and

Receive. The RS232 adaptor cable must connect these 3 pins to a 25-pin

RS232 plug on pins 2,3,7, with CTS/RTS and DSR/DTR/CD connected as usual

for a null modem. However, TTL to RS232 conversion is required. Don't

try to connect directly, or you'll likely blow up the Casio unit.The RS232 cable required is inadequately specified in the CASIO

FA-100 manual, but it is a standard null modem cable with SND and RCV

crossed. The interface seems to ignore the other pins (as it should).The SF-series Digital Diary unit can vary three communications

parameters: parity (even/odd/none), data bits (7/8), and baud rate

(1200/2400/4800/9600).For maximum speed select none/7/9600, although 8

data bits is more usual. Note that it specifies 2 stop bits, which is

a bit unusual.The 2 stop bits are required on input to the unit.2. CASIO SF COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL

-----------------------------------The communications sequence between any 2 SF-series Digital Diaries, or

between an SF-unit and a PC is:RECEIVERSENDERPlace unit in receive mode

(waiting for input)Send CR-LF pair (ASCII 13, 10),

repeating until response receivedIf no response after 15 CR-LF pairs,

send " (ASCII 34) to abort transmission

and quitRespond (ASCII 17/Ctrl-Q/XON)

to indicate Ready after

receiving a CR-LF pairSend item type identification fieldSend a series of entry fields making up

one complete item record of the

specified typeMay send (ASCII 19/Ctrl-S/

XOFF) to request a temporary

halt (too much data too fast

for it)Wait for XON before continuingSends XON (ASCII 17) when ready

to continue after XOFFSend record terminating fieldWait for # acknowledgement

May send ? (ASCII 63) to

indicate error in received

field orRespond # (ASCII 35) to indicate

"Received OK, continue" after

receiving the last character of

the record terminating fieldContinue with next item record (if any)Respond with # after each...

record...Send " (ASCII 34) at any time

to abort transmissionSend end-of-transmission field after

last item record orSend ! (ASCII 33) to stop transmissionStop receivingNo count of the number of records or entry fields per record to be sent

is given ahead of time. The end of an item record is recognized by the

terminating field. The end of a multi-record transmission is marked by

an additional special terminating field. Prior to the final terminating

field of a multi-record transmission there is no indication if more

records will follow: the receiver must keep receiving until either the

final terminating field is received, or a stop character (!) is

received.All data fields are sent as ASCII hex digit characters (0-9, A-F), with

2 sequential ASCII hex digits corresponding the hex value of each data

byte. For example, an ASCII "A" data character is sent as the two ASCII

characters "41". CASIO probably chose to do it this way to allow for

7-bit ASCII format, but it takes twice as long to transmit as the actual

hex values. In fact, the transmission format is very inefficient in

several other aspects as well:redundant offset and field separator

values, a lengthy record terminator which could be a single character,

etc.When sending a series of items it is common for there to be delays of up

to 1/2 second between data items while the unit searches its memory for

the next item to transmit. The 9000 series seems faster than the 7000

series in this respect, but unknown if it is related to model number or

rather to a convoluted memory structure caused by adding and deleting

items many times on a well-used unit.The general field format for all fields in a record is::llffoottdd...ddccwhere::- Field always begins with leading colonll- 2 digit (1-byte) field data length, number of bytes

 of data (dd) in field, not counting llffoooo and cc Maximum value is 80 hex (128) Zero length always indicates a record terminating

 fieldff- Flag byte:00 - type identification field or

 record terminating field

80 - text data field or MARK terminating fieldC0 - schedule alarm field

D0 - calendar field

E0 - time field

F0 - date field- Low digit of flag byte should be masked to 0 when

 read to mask out offset bitoo- Low byte of data offset (bits 0-7) High bit of data offset (bit 8) is in low bit of flag

 bytett- Sub-type, 02 for type identification field,

 01 for record terminator field,

 FF for transmission terminator field,

 00 for all othersdd- One or more data ChecksumThe length is the number of bytes of actual data in the field, not

counting the length byte itself, flag, offset, sub-type, or checksum.

Remember, there are two ASCII digits per byte.The length is not

allowed to exceed 80 hex (128) in CASIO's transmission protocol; longer

fields are broken up into multiple sequential fields for transmission.

The end of such a field can be recognized only by the presence of the

field terminating character 0A (LineFeed) as the last data byte.The checksum is the simple running checksum of all bytes in the record,

beginning with and including the length byte, continuing to and

including the checksum byte itself. The total of all bytes (including

the checksum itself) must be 00 in the low 2 hex digits, where the

checksum byte value is adjusted to make this true. A checksum error

indicates a faulty transmission.The flag byte ff indicates the type of field, with the sub-type byte tt

indicating a sub-type in some cases.TYPE IDENTIFICATION FIELDA transmission always begins with a type identification field,

indicating what type of item data follows (i.e. memo, bus.card,

telephone, schedule, or calendar). The flag byte in this case is 00,

the "offset" is always 00 and the sub-type byte is 02. The data type to

follow is determined from the first data byte value:80- calendar

90- telephone

A0- memo

B0- schedule

C0- business cardThere is always a second data byte of 00, and there is no other data in

the record, so the field data length is always 02.Example of type identification field::02000002A0005C

 || | | |

 || | | checksum 02+00+00+02+A0+00+5C = x00

 || | |

 || | type A0 is memo

 || |

 || type byte 02 indicates type identification field


 |flag value always 00


 data length always 02 (the 2 bytes A000 in this record)The type identification field is sent only prior to the first item of

each type; it not repeated prior to each item in a multi-item

transmission. When transmitting "all" data, a type identification field

is sent prior to the start of the items of each type.

DATA FIELDSThe type identification field is followed by a set of item

records. Each item record is made up of a number of data fields.

Data fields have one of four formats, depending on the data type

they contain: text, date, time, or calendar.Text data fields always have a flag byte of 80.Example of text data field::0480000031323334B2

 || | | |

 || | | checksum 04+80+00+00+31+32+33+34+B2 = x00

 || | |

 || | data bytes for entry field "1234"

 || |

 || offset is 0 for first entry


 |flag value 80 indicates text data fieldThe offset is cumulative. The first text data field of a record always

begins at offset zero, the 2nd at 0 + the length of the 1st field, the

3rd at the offset of the 2nd field plus the length of the 2nd field,

etc. Note that if (and only if) there is a following data field in the

record, a field separator character (0A = LineFeed) is added to the end

of the field data. The field separator is counted in the length byte

and the subsequent offsets.Memo, telephone, and business card item records consist of one or more

text fields. A missing/empty data entry which is sequence-dependent

(i.e. like those in a telephone or business card item record) is marked

by a text field containing only a separator character 0A.As noted above, text fields longer than 128 bytes are broken up into

multiple fields for transmission. Only the last has a trailing field

separator.If an entry contains one or more Carriage Return (CR) characters in the

text, it is broken into separate fields ending at the CR for

transmission. When a CR is received as the last character in a field,

the next text data field should be appended to it rather than beginning

a new text field of the item record. There is no field separator 0A in

this case.Date/time entry fields:Date entry fields have a special format marked by a flag byte of F0.

The date entry field appears as the first field when a schedule or

calendar item is transmitted. For a schedule item it is followed

(optionally) by time record(s) and a text data field for the schedule


Schedule item transmission sequence:Date field

(Time field - optional)

(Alarm time field - optional)

Text data field for schedule itemThe time field, if present, identifies the start time of the schedule

item, and may also identify an end time for the schedule item.The

alarm time field, if present, specifies the time of the associated

schedule alarm.When multiple schedule items for a single day are transmitted, each item

is transmitted seperately beginning with a date field.Date field format::0AF00000yyyyyyyy2Dmmmm2Dddddcc

 | | | | |

 | | | | day (01-1F)

 | | | |

 | | | dash (-)

 | | |

 | | month (01-0C)

 | |

 | dash (-)


 year (19xx or 20xx)Time field format::05E00000hhhh3Ammmmmcc

 | | |

 | | minute (00-3B)

 | |

 | colon :


 hour (01-18)For a schedule appointment with time duration specified (start and end


 | ||

 | |end time (hh:mm)

 | |

 | separator character ~


 start time (hh:mm)The hour is always in 24-hour format.

A schedule alarm time field is identical in format except that the flag

value is C0 instead of E0. Note that the Digital Diary does not allow

two schedule items to have the same alarm time - it will not store a

second item with the same alarm time as an existing item.Term schedule items (SF-9000 series):A term schedule item includes both a start date and an end date in a

longer schedule field of the following format::15F00000yyyyyyyy2Dmmmm2Ddddd7Eyyyyyyyy2Dmmmm2Dddddcc

 | | | | | | | | | | |

 | | | | | | | | | | end day (01-1F)

 | | | | | | | | | |

 | | | | | | | | | dash (-)

 | | | | | | | | |

 | | | | | | | | end month (01-0C)

 | | | | | | | |

 | | | | | | | dash (-)

 | | | | | | |

 | | | | | | end year (19xx or 20xx)

 | | | | | |

 | | | | | separator character ~

 | | | | |

 | | | | start day (01-1F)

 | | | |

 | | | dash (-)

 | | |

 | | start month (01-0C)

 | |

 | dash (-)


 start year (19xx or 20xx)Calendar fields:A calendar month item is transmitted as a date field identifying the

year and month (day of month always = 01), followed by a calendar

highlight field which identifies the highlighted days in that month.

Associated schedule items must be transmitted separately.Calendar item transmission sequence:Date field (day=01)

Calendar highlight fieldThe highlighted days are identified by the setting of individual bits in

a string of 32 bits (8 hex digits). A bit set on indicates a

highlighted day. The bits are ordered right-to-left, with bit 0 of the

rightmost (last) digit representing day 1 of the month, and bit 2 of the

leftmost (first) digit representing day 31 of the the month.Calendar highlight field format::04D00000hhhhhhhhcc


 32 highlight bitsTERMINATOR FIELDSA complete item record, consisting of one or more data entries, is

always terminated by a terminator field which has a field length of 00,

a flag value of 00, an "offset" value of 00, and a sub-type byte of 01.Record terminator field::00000001FF- end of recordA different record terminator field is sent at the end of a "marked"

item::008000017F- end of marked record

Following the record terminator field of the last item record in a

multi-item transmission, a transmission terminator record is added. This

is similar in format to the record terminator field, but with a sub-type

byte of FF instead of 01.Transmission terminator field::000000FF01- end of multi-item transmissionSAMPLE PROGRAMThe following is a sample Microsoft BASIC program for receiving from the

Digital Diary and printing the characters received in hex digit form:10 OPEN "com1:1200,N,8,1,CS0,DS0" AS 1

20 IF INPUT$(1,1)CHR$(13) THEN 20

30 IF INPUT$(1,1)CHR$(10) THEN 20

40 PRINT #1,CHR$(17);

50 A$=INPUT$(1,1)

60 PRINT A$;

70 IF A$="F" THEN X=X+1 : ELSE X=0 'not formally correct, but simple

80 IF X=2 THEN X=0 : BEEP : PRINT#1,"#";

90 GOTO 50Note: BASIC is speed-limited on slower PCs. Interpreted BASIC can only

handle 1200 baud on a PC/AT. Compiled BASIC can handle 9600 baud on a

PC/AT, but only 4800 baud on an XT.3. CASIO SFD Program

--------------------CASIO provides the program SFD with their FA-100 IBM PC interface

package. SFD offers the same functions and user interface as the

Digital Diary, so it is easy to learn.It does have some extensions:

it makes use of the larger PC screen to show more information, it can

use a mouse if you have one, it can store more information in multiple

disk files, and it allows more flexible selection of a set of data items

to transmit.Unfortunately the original FA-100 SFD program also has a number of

shortcomings: it requires an AT with at least 512K memory and an

EGA/VGA display to run, precluding the use of many typical PCs. It is

also sensitive to a common hardware fault in PC serial port UART

chips, which prevents communications from working properly on many PCs.

The updated FA-150 version of SFD is more flexible.(Symptom of UART problem: Transmit Error from Digital Diary, or

PC receives the first item sent, but won't continue and won't send

anything, dependent on baud rate. Solution: replace the 8250 UART

chip in the serial port, or use alternate software.)The CASIO manual provided with the FA-100/150 package is a very simple

operational guide to the SFD program, and fails to give much useful

information on installation, cable connection, communications protocol,

file format, or troubleshooting.SFD DATA FILE FORMATS

---------------------The SFD program which comes with the FA-100/150 package stores its data

in several different types of data files. They share the common default

name "SFDTOOL", with the file extension distinguishing the type of data.

They default file name can be changed to another. This section describes

the internal data formats of these files.Data Files:SFDTOOL.BSI - Business Card file

SFDTOOL.TEL - Telephone file

SFDTOOL.MEM - Memo file

SFDTOOL.SCH - Schedule file

SFDTOOL.CAL - Calendar fileThese files contain the actual item data. Items are fixed length

384-byte records. The files are variable size and grow with the number

of records. Records are added in the order they are created; a

separate index file records the sorted order of records. When a

record is deleted, the last record of the file is moved to take its

place, and the index is updated appropriately.Index files:SFDTOOL.BMK - Business Card index file

SFDTOOL.TMK - Telephone index file

SFDTOOL.MMK - Memo index file

SFDTOOL.SMK - Schedule index fileThese files contain an index to each of the data types (the Calendar has

no index file). The index size is fixed at 30002 bytes, enough to index

15000 items at 2 bytes per item (+ a 2-byte file header), except for the

schedule index which has a different format. The index contains the

sorted order of the data records. The Business Card index and the

Telephone index are sorted in alphabetical order. The memo index is

sorted in order of entry. The schedule index is sorted in chronological

order.Data format:The general format of text data records in the Business Card, Telephone,

Memo, and Schedule data files is:text data field - variable number of ASCII data bytes

field separator - hex 8E byte (except for last field)... repeat for number of data fields in record ...record end mark - hex FF byte

Record length fixed at 384 bytes (180 hex); total number of data bytes

and field separators may not exceed this. The record is filled with zero

to this length.Empty positional fields within the item record are represented by a

field separator with no text data. The final (or only) data field does

not end with a field separator.A carriage return character within the data field is represented as a

byte of hex 8F.There is always an extra final record in the file containing all bytes

of hex FF, probably written only to establish the file length.A Business Card or Telephone record can have several text data fields

with separators. A Memo or Schedule record has only one text data field.Calendar data format:The calendar data file has a different format. The calendar record is 6

bytes long:yymmhhhhhhhh(6 bytes, shown in hex)yy - year (binary, 0=1900)

mm - month (binary 1-12)

hhhhhhhh - highlight flag bitsEach record begins with the year and month, followed by 4 bytes (32

bits) of bit flags set for highlighted days. The bits read left to

right:day 1 of the month is the leftmost bit (bit 7 of the first

byte); day 31 is bit 1 of the rightmost byte (bit 0 is unused). Note

that this order is inverted from the right-left transmission format.There must be a final 6 byte record with the high bit of the first

byte set to act as an end of file marker.Index format:The index files are created with a fixed length of 30002 bytes. The

first two bytes of the index file are a header containing the total

number of data/index items (thus explaining the extra 2 bytes of file

length). Index data of 2 bytes per item is recorded beginning at the

third byte of the file and continuing for as many index items as there

are data items. The unused remainder of the index file to the length of

30002 bytes is junk.The two bytes of data per index item are:nn - item number in data file (low 8 bits)

fn - 2 flag bits and high 6 bits of item number

The item number is the record number of the corresponding item in the

data file. The index is kept in sorted order, but the items in the

data file are left in random order (the order they were entered in,

modified by rearrangement following deletions).The flag bits in the second byte are:bit 7 - set if data item is marked (BC, Tel, Memo only)

bit 6 - set if item is first with this employer (BC only)The high 6 bits of the data item number are bits 0-5 of the second byte,

allowing record numbers to be up to 15,000.The schedule index has a different format since it is kept in order of

time. It still begins with the 2-byte header containing the total number

of schedule data items, but the index entries have a length of 12 bytes

each:yy - year (byte value where 0=1900)

mm - month (byte value 1-12)

dd - day (byte value 1-31)

hh - hour of appointment (0-23 or hex FF)

mm - minute of appointment (0-59 or hex FF)

hh - hour of appointment end (0-23 or hex FF)

mm - minute of appointment end (0-59 or hex FF)

hh - hour of schedule alarm (0-23 or hex FF)

mm - minute of schedule alarm (0-59 or hex FF)

00 - always 0

nn - item number in data file (low 8 bits)

fn - 2 flag bits and high 6 bits of item numberThe value hex FF for any of the times (both hour and minute) indicates

that the corresponding start/end/alarm time is not specified. An end

time is never specified without a start time.Since the schedule index file still has a fixed length of 30002 bytes,

it can store only 2500 (30000/12) items.--

"Curiosity killed the cat - but for a while, _I_ was the suspect" -Steven


Ian Nicholls Phone : +61 3 829 6088 Fax: +61 3 829 6886

Coles/Myer Ltd. E-mail:

L1 M11, PO Box 480, Glen Iris 3146, Australia


The opinions of the poster do not necessarily represent those of the company.

From!linac!unixhub!!levitt Mon Jul 12 14:03:13 CDT


Article: 7985 of comp.sys.palmtops

Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops



Subject: Casio SF5300 Mac xfer


Lines: 19

Sender: ne...@unixhub.SLAC.Stanford.EDU

Organization: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1993 17:47:27 GMT For those of you who own a Casio SF-something-or-other and wish to make it

talk to a Mac, there is an application program and cable diagram available.

Look at (or any other Mac archive sites) in the directory

info-mac/app for the file casio-talk-205.hqx This is a demo version that only

allows 1000 characters to be transfered at a time, but it looks quite good and

is reasonably easy to use. This software is shareware, and the author asks

for $25 for a registration number that will allow unlimited transfers. He will

also sell you a ready-made cable for $20 (a little more than it cost me at my

local Radio Shack). According to the author, only the Casio SF-7500 may be used, but I was so

determined I should be able to transfer between my 5300 and my Mac, that I 

actually went ahead, built the cable and circuit, and transferred data. No

problems. I guess this means that the SF-5300 (and 5100, 4300) uses the same

protocol as the SF-7500. Hope this helps,

 Steve LevittFrom!!!udel!!panix!netnews

s!!freudent Fri Jul 16 13:20:14 CDT 1993

Article: 14260 of comp.sys.handhelds



From: (Eric Freudenthal)

Newsgroups: comp.sys.handhelds

Subject: Re: Casio SF5300 Mac xfer

Date: 16 Jul 93 13:05:24

Organization: /a/users/freudent/.organization

Lines: 22

Distribution: inet




In-reply-to:'s message of Mon, 12 Jul 1993 17:48:54

GMTI have a simpler circuit for the cable to attach a mac to a casio (two

resistors and a diode, no chips). Send me a SASE and I'll send you

a photocopy.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eric Freudenthal


Office: NYU Ultralab, 715 Broadway 10th floor, New York, NY 10003 212/998-3345

Home: 220 Berkeley Place 4b, Brooklyn NY 11217 718/789-4486

"One seventh of all Americans can trace their ancestry

 through Brooklyn...can you?"

Fax: call for info--

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eric Freudenthal


Office: NYU Ultralab, 715 Broadway 10th floor, New York, NY 10003 212/998-3345

Home: 220 Berkeley Place 4b, Brooklyn NY 11217 718/789-4486

"One seventh of all Americans can trace their ancestry

 through Brooklyn...can you?"

Fax: call for infoFrom!!!!uvaarpa!

u!!ami Sun Aug 1 19:41:24 CDT 1993

Article: 8366 of comp.sys.palmtops



Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops

Subject: Casio BOSS stuff for sale



Date: 31 Jul 93 11:25:59 -0500

Distribution: usa

Organization: George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA


Lines: 18FOR SALE1. Casio Boss SF-9000: 64K organizer, communications and IC card capabilities

2. FA-120: PC-Link cable and software for communicating with IBM PC ($99.95)

3. ES-600: IC card Dictionary/Thesaurus/Speller ($79.95)

4. ES-100: 64K RAM card extends unit's memory to 128K ($89.95)All components are in like-new condition with original manuals and boxes.

One exception: one of the hinges of the 9000 is broken and fixed with tape.

The 9000 is discontinued but items 2,3,4 are compatible with most new Casios

(above prices are from the current catalog of J&R Music World, NY).Original price paid for all 4 items:$517.46

Current price for items 2-4 only (at J&R Music World, NY):$269.85Asking price for all 4 items (shipping included):$ END ---------

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