CAS & Extracurricular

Creativity—exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance. This may include visual and performing arts, digital design, writing, film, culinary arts and crafts.

Activity—physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Pursuits may include individual and team sports, dance, outdoor recreation, fitness training, and any other form of physical exertion that purposefully contributes to a healthy lifestyle.

Service—collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need. Through Service, students develop and apply personal and social skills in real-life situations involving decision-making, problem solving, initiative, responsibility, and accountability for their actions.

Here are links to various sub-pages which include the activities I have participated in, for the span of two years (two years for CAS); what I learnt from these experiences and reflections:

CAS final interview presentation

CAS interview peehu