
Global Estimates of Opportunity and Mobility: A new database, in the Inequalities Blog, LSE (June 2024)

Social Classes and Wealth Inequality: A Missing Link?, in the Inequalities Blog, LSE (April 2024)

The trap of the 'tenant generation': the case of Spain, in the Inequalities Blog, LSE (March 2024)

Media Coverage (Selection)

La otra cara de la brecha generacional (2024): by Analía Plaza (El Periódico de España)

You Don’t Have to Take Every Tax Deduction, and You Shouldn’t (2024): by Matthew Desmond (New York Times)

How likely are you to get an inheritance, really? (2023): by Andrew Van Dam (Washington Post) 

Ese estúpido sistema fiscal del que usted me habla, by Carlos Sánchez in El Confidencial (June, 2020)

Conformismo frente a la desigualdad, by Lina Sánchez in ElDiario (June, 2020)