
The conformal limit and projective structures, with Peter B. Gothen, International Mathematics Research Notices, rnae142 (2024). ArXiv. With companion Poster.

On ranks of regular polygons, with António Pedro Goucha e João Gouveia, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 31-4, pp. 2612-2625 (2017). ArXiv 

In Portuguese journals

Searching for unity: Galois connections and Möbius-Rota Inversions (in Portuguese), with Jorge Picado, Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, Número 76 (2018). Link

Ph.D. Thesis

Higgs Bundles and Geometric Structures, supervised by Peter B. Gothen at the University of Porto. Link

Notes   (These notes are not revised. Please send me any corrections.)

Holomorphic connections and Flat connections are the same on Riemann surfaces. Note.

Master's thesis

In my Master's thesis, I studied Complex Flows and Geodesics in the Space of Kähler Metrics under the supervision of Prof. José Mourão at Instituto Superior Técnico. Thesis (very heavy). Presentation.