Talks and Conferences


  • Snake Graphs and Brauer Configuration Algebras, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, 2022.

  • Sobre el Número de Pares Excepcionales en Carcajes de Tipo A_n, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia, 2022.

  • Categorification of some integer sequences and Brauer configuration algebras, ICTPSAIFR, São Paulo, Brasil, 2022.

  • Curso: Una introducción a la teoría de representaciones de carcajes y sus aplicaciones, El Salvador, virtual, 2021.

  • Homological Ideals as Integer Specializations of Some Brauer Configuration Algebras, Bogotá, Colombia, 2020.

  • Snake Graphs Associated to Kronecker Modules and Energy of Preprojective Trees, Medellín, Colombia, 2020.

  • Categorification of the Sequence A052558, Medellín, Colombia, 2019.

  • Matrix Problems Associated to Some Brauer Configuration Algebras and Categorification of Magic Squares, Isfahan, Iran, 2019.

  • Matrix problems associated to some Brauer configuration algebras, Bielefeld, Alemania, 2019.

  • Homological Ideals. A Combinatorial Point of View, Bogotá, Colombia, 2018.

  • Categorification of Some Integer Sequences and its Applications, Massachusetts, USA, 2017.

  • Categorification of Some Integer Sequences II, Quito, Ecuador, 2017.

  • Categorification of Some Integer Sequences, Manizales- Colombia, 2015.

  • Some connections between the theory of representations and the theory of partitions, Pasto-Colombia, 2014.

  • Sums of figurate numbers using algorithms of differentiation of posets, Bogotá-Colombia, 2014.

  • Algorithm of Differentiation for equipped posets type representations finite growth joint with Agustín Moreno Cañadas e Isaías Gaviria, Barranquilla- Colombia, 2013.

  • A proof of F5n0 mod 5 joint with Gabriel Bravo Rios, Bogotá- Colombia, 2013.

  • Regular Star Polygons, Santa Marta- Colombia, 2013.

  • A proof of Hurwitz’s theorem joint with Agustín Moreno Cañadas, Bogotá-Colombia, 2012 .

  • Obtaining stars polygons through lineal congruences and Derive Software joint with Gabriel Córdoba Suarez, Bogotá-Colombia, 2011.

  • A guide to write math joint with Luis Alejandro Másmela, Bogotá-Colombia, 2011.

  • Some elementary identities Fibonacci numbers joint with Javier Cortes y Gabriel Córdoba Suarez, Bogotá-Colombia, 2011.

Conferences, Workshops and Advance Schools

  • Quinto Encuentro de Álgebra y Topología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, 2022.

  • XVII Encuentro Nacional y V Internacional de la Facultad de Ciencias- CIE, Tunja, Colombia, 2022.

  • Workshop on Representation Theory and Applications, ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brasil, 2022.

  • Jornada de Álgebra y sus aplicaciones, San Salvador - Salvador, 2021.

  • Fourth International Colloquium on Representations of Algebras and Its Applications; Alexander Zavadskij, Bogotá - Colombia, 2020.

  • First Meeting of Graduate students UdeA, Medellin - Colombia, 2020.

  • IV Algebra Meeting in Amazonas, Tabatinga - Brasil, 2019.

  • Workshop "Computational Applications of Quiver Representations: TDA and QPA", Bielefeld - Alemania, 2019.

  • Isfahan School and Conference on Representations of Algebra, Isfahan - Iran, 2019.

  • Third International Colloquium on Representations of Algebras and Its Applications; Alexander Zavadskij, Medellin - Colombia, 2018.

  • CIMPA Geometric and Homological Methods in the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras and Their Applications, Medellin - Colombia, 2018.

  • V Mathematics for Students, Bogotá - Colombia, 2018.

  • Third Day of Numeric Sequences and Combinatorial, Bogotá - Colombia, 2017.

  • CIMPA Representation Theory and Applications to Differential Equations, Kingston-Jamaica, 2017.

  • Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and International Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, 2017.

  • XXII Latin American Algebra Colloquium, Quito - Ecuador, 2017.

  • The Fifth Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras (ARTA) Conference, Mar del Plata-Argentina, 2016.

  • Second International Colloquium on Representations of Algebras and its Applications Alexander Zavadskij, Bogotá-Colombia , 2016.

  • CIMPA Research School: Algebraic, Enumerative and Geometric Combinatorics - ECCO 2016, Medellín-Colombia, 2016.

  • Second Day of Numeric Sequences and Combinatorial, 2015.

  • The fourth Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras (ARTA) Conference, Guanajuato- México, 2015.

  • Colombian Congress of Mathematics, Manizales-Colombia, 2015.

  • First Day of Combinatorial Methods, Bogotá-Colombia, 2014.

  • First Day of Numeric Sequences, Bogotá-Colombia, 2014.

  • Sixth International Conference of Algebra, Number Theory, Combinatorics and Applications, Pasto-Colombia, 2014.

  • Sixth Day of Mathematics, Bogotá-Colombia, 2014.

  • Mathematics for Students, Bogotá- Colombia, 2014.

  • Colombian Congress of Mathematics, Barranquilla-Colombia, 2013.

  • Third International Conference of Meta-Mathematics, Bogotá-Colombia, 2013.

  • First International Colloquium on Representations of Algebras and its Applications Alexander Zavadskij, Bogotá-Colombia, 2013.

  • UN Meeting of Mathematics, Bogotá-Colombia, 2012.

  • Second National Meeting of Mathematics, Ibague- Colombia, 2012.

  • Mathematics School of Latin America and the Caribbean, Puerto Madryn-Argentina, 2012.

  • Fifth Day of Mathematics, Bogotá-Colombia, 2012.

  • Fifth International Conference of Algebra, Number Theory, Combinatorics and Applications, Bogotá- Colombia, 2012.

  • Sixth Day of Mathematics, Bogotá-Colombia, 2012.

  • XX Meeting of Geometry and its Applications, Bogotá-Colombia, 2011.

  • XXIV Colloquium District of Mathematics and Statistics, Bogotá-Colombia, 2011.

  • UN Meeting of Mathematics, Bogotá-Colombia, 2011.

  • Fourth International Conference of Algebra, Number Theory Combinatorics and Applications, Tunja, Colombia, 2010.