
Photo thanks to Prof. Gordana Todorov, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA.

Pedro F. Fernández Espinosa

Welcome to my homepage (since February 2023). I am a professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad de Caldas, Manizales - Colombia since Fall 2022. 

Email: pedro.fernandez@ucaldas.edu.co

Office: Universidad de Caldas, Manizales Colombia 

Calle 65 No 26 - 10 

Orlando Sierra Building - Block B.

Office: 32.

Upcoming Talks and Meetings

CIMPA School Crossroads of geometry, representation theory and higher structures,  March 13-24, 2023 in Puerto Madryn, Argentina, at the campus of Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco. 

XXIII Congreso Colombiano de Matemáticas, June. 5-9, 2023, Tunja, Colombia.

I Congreso Caldas de Matemáticas, Manizales, Colombia. 

In Todxs Cuentan professor Federico Ardila wrote some axioms which are crucial to me:

Reference: Todxs Cuentan by Federico Ardila