Корисні посилання
Up To Date http://www.uptodate.com
BMJ Clinical Evidence http://clinicalevidence.bmj.com
Medscape from WebMD http://www.medscape.com
National Guideline Clearinghouse https://www.guideline.gov/
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) https://www.cdc.gov/
The Cochrane Collaboration The Cochrane Library http://www.cochrane.org/
Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) http://prodigy.clarity.co.uk/
The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim https://www.duodecim.fi/
The Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany http://www.awmf.org
The French National Authority for Health http://www.has-sante.fr/
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) https://www.nice.org.uk/
Canadian Medical Association InfoBase (CMA InfoBase: Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) http://www.cma.ca/
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC https://www.nhmrc.gov.au
Royal College of Physicians https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/
AMA (American Medical Association) https://www.ama-assn.org/
American Academy of Family Physicians http://www.aafp.org/home.html
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy (AAP Policy) Clinical Practice Guidelines https://www.aap.org
European Pediatric Association, the Union of National European Pediatric Societies and Associations (EPA/UNEPSA) http://www.epa-unepsa.org/
American College of Emergency Physicians https://www.acep.org/
The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) http://www.naemt.org/
The National Association of State EMS Officials https://nasemso.org/
The European Society for Emergency Medicine http://eusem.org
Рекомендованы к применению в качестве «новых клинических протоколов» международные руководства: Руководство по длительности антибиотикотерапии детей и переходу от в/в к п/о введению (ANZPID-ASAP, АUS, 2016), Клиническое руководство по ведению гипертензии детей (AAP, USA, 2017), Руководство Европейской педиатрической ассоциации об использовании пробиотиков в педиатрии (WGO, 2018), Европейские рекомендации по ведению и нутритивной поддержке детей, больных муковисидозом (2016).
Guidelines for antibiotic duration and iv-oral switch in children (ANZPID-ASAP, АUS, 2016)
Australasian society for infectious diseases
Опубликовано в Lancet Infectious Diseases (2016) Antibiotic duration and timing of the switch from intravenous to oral route for bacterial infections in children: systematic review and guidelines
Clinical practice guideline for screening and management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents (AAP, USA, 2017)
AP guideline updates practice for pediatric hypertension (August 21, 2017)
European Paediatric Association guidance on paediatric use of Probiotics (2018) WGO, 2018
Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Nutritional management of cystic fibrosis.