Dentist For Kids - Orange County CA

Baker Pediatric Dental Care is a dental clinic located in Tustin, California that is dedicated to providing top-notch dental care to children. The clinic is headed by Dr. Ryan Baker, an experienced and highly skilled pediatric dentist with a strong passion for ensuring that children receive quality dental care. Dr. Baker possesses extensive knowledge of children's dental needs and has the expertise required to deliver excellent oral health care. He is committed to providing a friendly and comfortable environment to ensure that every child who visits his clinic receives the best possible dental care.

Dr. Ryan Baker graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine, and completed his residency in pediatric dentistry at the University of Southern California. He has been practicing as a pediatric dentist for over a decade and has a gentle and compassionate approach when working with children. He believes in starting good dental habits early in life and works with children to ensure they receive the best possible dental care from a young age.

Baker Pediatric Dental Care offers a wide range of services to cater to the unique dental needs of children. These services include preventative care, such as regular check-ups and cleanings, and restorative services like fillings and crowns. The clinic is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art equipment and technology, which allows Dr. Baker to provide excellent care to his patients. The clinic also provides specialized services such as sedation dentistry to help children who may be anxious or nervous about their dental visits. Overall, Baker Pediatric Dental Care is an exceptional option for parents searching for a caring and highly skilled pediatric dentist in Tustin, CA.

Pediatric Dentistry in Tustin, CA: Charting a Path to Healthy Smiles with Dr. Ryan Baker, DMD


The foundation of a healthy smile is laid early in life, which underscores the paramount importance of pediatric dentistry. In Tustin, California, parents have been consistently turning to a distinguished name in the field: Dr. Ryan Baker, DMD. With a unique blend of expertise, compassion, and dedication, Dr. Baker has carved a niche in delivering unparalleled pediatric dental care.

Dr. Ryan Baker: A Synonym for Excellence in Pediatric Dentistry

Every profession has its luminaries, and in the sphere of pediatric dentistry in Tustin, Dr. Baker shines bright. With an illustrious educational background crowned by a DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) degree, he has continuously updated his knowledge base, ensuring he's at the forefront of pediatric dental care.

But more than his credentials, it's Dr. Baker's genuine affinity for children that makes him a favorite among his young patients. He believes that pediatric dentistry isn't just about treating teeth; it's about creating positive, lasting memories for children that will influence their oral care habits for life.

A Haven for Kids

Anyone who steps into Dr. Baker's practice can instantly sense the difference. The environment resonates with warmth and friendliness. Colorful motifs, child-friendly equipment, and a jovial staff ensure that even the most apprehensive child feels at home.

To Dr. Baker, every child is unique. Thus, he adopts a personalized approach for each of his patients, ensuring their comfort and trust. Techniques like “tell-show-do” have become second nature to him, assuaging young patients' fears and making their dental visits something they look forward to.

Holistic Pediatric Dental Care

Under Dr. Baker's guidance, the clinic offers a comprehensive array of pediatric dental services:

An Anchor in the Community

Beyond his clinic, Dr. Baker's influence can be seen in the larger Tustin community. He's often involved in community programs, school dental drives, and other initiatives aimed at fostering a society with healthier smiles.

Building Trust, One Smile at a Time

Parents often laud  Dr. Baker not just for his clinical acumen but for the palpable difference he makes in their children's outlook towards dental care. His ability to meld professionalism with a personal touch has made him a beloved figure among both parents and children in Tustin.


Pediatric dentistry is a realm where skill meets compassion, and Dr. Ryan Baker, DMD, stands as a testament to this in Tustin, CA. Through his unwavering commitment and patient-centric approach, he's not just treating dental issues but is shaping a healthier, happier future for the community's youngest members.