Curriculum Vitae

CV Outline (Download a PDF of my full CV here.)



Grants and support received


Papers & Research

See the Research page. My primary research interests are in commutative and homological algebra, and I also am interested in algebraic K-theory, representation theory, triangulated categories, category theory, geometry, and topology. A current list of my papers and preprints can be found on the arXiv.


See the Teaching page. I am passionate about teaching mathematics at all levels. I have taught both undergraduate and graduate courses at all levels, including Commutative Algebra, Rings and Modules, Algebraic Geometry, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, College Algebra, Trigonometry, Contemporary Mathematics, Calculus, and courses for preservice and inservice K-12 teachers. I have also coordinated courses, developed course curriculum materials, advised bachelor theses, and mentored masters students.
