ペダリング・フォー・ポウズ 2018 東京

Pedaling 4 Paws 2018 Tokyo


Thank you very much!

事前申告額の合計 / Pledge Total


(English below the Japanese Text)

ペダリング・フォー・ポウズ 2018

ペダリング・フォー・ポウズ(P4P) はアニマルレフュージ関西 (ARK)で保護され、譲渡の機会を待つ高齢動物の飼育を助け、譲渡の機会を増やす目的で行うチャリティ自転車マラソン(bikeathon)です。P4Pをとおして ARKで譲渡の機会を待つ高齢動物たちのために、ぜひ募金にご協力いただけますようお願い申し上げます。高齢の犬猫たちは、なかなか譲渡の機会に恵まれません。今年のペダリング・フォー・ポウズではARKの活動支援、高齢動物の譲渡を促進するために、JR東日本、山手線を一周し募金のご支援を募ります。山手線駅29駅のところ、田端駅に2回行きますので合計30駅、都内23区のうち13区を自転車で走ります。






P4P 2017

Pedaling 4 Paws

Pedaling 4 Paws is a bikeathon to raise money for elderly shelter cats and dogs being cared for by our friends at ARK (Animal Refuge Kansai). We're asking kindhearted animal lovers everywhere to join us in raising money this summer to help feed and shelter the wonderful animals at ARK's facilities". These are faithful pooches who have little hope of being adopted out are in need of our support. Please help and pledge generously now.

This year we'll will be doing the pedaling in good old Tokyo City. We're planning on looping around the city and ride to all the 29 stations, on the famous Yamanote train line, plus one (Tabata Station twice) for a grand total of 30 stations (and through 13 of the city's 23 wards). Our goal is to ride to, and take a picture at all the stations on the line's circular loop.

Thank you and have a great summer.

Maho & Duane

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Puipui and Fussar keeping cool

Meet Eclipse and Tigress

Good ol'Napo

Candy Dog on First P4P