Research & Psychology

Pour tous les passionnés de recherche ...

About me...

Marion Pech, PhD in Psychology. 

I obtained my PhD in psychology at INSERM Institute (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) in the SEPIA/ACTIVE TEAM (2023). 

Post-doctoral position at INRIA Institute (French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) in the FLOWERS TEAM. 

email: pech.marion@hotmail.fr

Google Scholar Profile

My main topic of interest are psychology & technology. I do my best to lead my research using an interdisciplinary approach combining cognitive sciences, psychology and computer sciences in order to better understand the mechanisms underlying human cognitive performance and well being during lifespan. 

Topics: aging, technology, disability, attention, motivation, curiosity,cognitive training, physical training

Welcome to my professional homepage. This is basically a webpage about my research.

Please feel free to explore this website. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want any additional information or if you are interested by a research collaboration. 

Hope you'll enjoy it! 



Certificate of Choreographic Studies. Jacques Thibault Conservatory, Bordeaux. Jazz and Classical Dance 


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