The Short

Mission and purpose of being

To provide my neighbors with consistent, low-impact, and affordable access to fresh produce.

Values and beliefs of the business

Earth stewardship, affordable food access, and small farm research.

Vision for the future

Build a healthy world with food freedom.

The Long

My name is Stevie-Pearl is my middle name, my mom's middle name, and her grandmother's name. I was born in Rockford, IL in 1988, spent 10 years in central Illinois earning my bachelors in physics and learning about sustainable energy. On my journey to decrease my impact on the Earth I've been gardening, cooking, and learning to preserve my produce. I was inspired to open a farming business after speaking with a farmer in 2021; he said one of the most important things you can do as a farmer is to grow a garden and feed your neighbors-so I decided to do just that!

I have a passion for knowledge and sustainability that has led me to experiment with high-yield, integrative, and organic gardening methods while reducing negative impacts on the land. Though this farm is not currently certified organic we strive to follow organic practices of growing produce, such as abstaining from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and keeping records.

Food freedom is understanding where our food comes from and having access to it. As Pearl's Produce grows I'll be able to offer educational opportunities for my members to increase food security and access on their own streets. In the short-term I can provide affordable and fresh produce to you!

The Longer

Visit my Blog to read even more about my journeys in urban farming.