Pearl's Seafood Restaurant

Located in Del Perro Pier, Los Santos, if offering you the tastiest and finest experience in whole Los Santos when it comes to restaurants.

Surrounded by beautiful shore on one side and huge waves on the other, The Pearl's is one of those places that naturally enhances romantic aura!

Our History

First time this lovely establishment was mentioned in the records of Los Santos city is considered officially to be 1925.

Rumor has it, that exactly this location is one of the oldest Los Santos monuments that witness the earliest development of the city.

According to the stories of locals, The Pearl's Restaurant, more precisely - the building that stood there, initially served as an immi- grant center in early 1720's. For immigrants in search of a better life, the building it self was not a simple receive center, but rather a symbol of an ultimate destination on their journey to the happiness.

Over the years -

"La Perla" - the immigrant center, supposedly started becoming more and more useless in this function due to the dev- elopment of the modern's day transportation and eventually became a quiet wooden witness of once vibrant Los Santos past. In 1925, a rich Ashkenazi investor from Europe revived the image and reputation of this once heart-warming place. On this exact same location, Ezra Goldman initiated the reconstruction of not only "La Perla" but also of the entire Del Perro pier, significantly enlarging it and making it a publicly opened area. Over the years, "La Perla" became "The Pearl's" and started operating as "fish house" - main spot for fishing.

- In the late 90's -

Pearl saw yet another reconstruction and it stands that way till today. The building currently operates as a sea food restaurant being supplied by local fishers.