teriyake glazed shiitake mushroom & bok choi

INGREDIENTS: ~15min prep time; serves 1; vegetarian

~5 heads of bok choi

~1 box of shiitake mushrooms

~1 table spoons soy sauce 

~1 table spoon rice vinegar 

~2 table spoons teriyaki sauce


~minced garlic

~Featured Seed: sesame seeds

~Secret Ingredient: honey


1. Wash and tear leaves of bok choi.

2. Heat oil and 1 clove of garlic over medium heat, then add bok choi.  Dust with salt. Mix occasionally.

3. Cut shiitake mushrooms, and add to bok choi once it has begun wilting. 

4. Add teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, rice vinegar, ginger powder, salt and a drizzle of honey to taste.

5. Serve with a sprinkle of sesame seeds. Enjoy!